This workshop was led by the WCRP Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project and was a collaboration between CliC, the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, ARCUS (as a contribution to the Sea Ice Prediction Network-Phase2), University College London Global Engagement, the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research, and EU-PolarNet.
The goals of the workshop were to:
- Assess the value of forecasts by the user community.
- Determine if and how ice forecasts are currently being used in decision making.
- Communicate the relevant metrics needed by various stakeholders.
- Identify where improvements in sea ice forecasts would help stakeholders make decisions.
- Communicate the limits and opportunities of current forecasting systems.
Agenda and participant list (PDF - 281 KB)
The discussions at this workshop were synthesized in a peer-reviewed journal article:
Wagner, P. M., N. Hughes, P. Bourbonnais, J. Stroeve, L. Rabenstein, U. Bhatt, J. Little, H. Wiggins, A. Fleming. 2020. "Sea-ice Information and Forecast Needs for Industry Maritime Stakeholders." Polar Geography, 43:2-3, 160-187, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2020.1766592.