Sea Ice Outlook Reports


Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., Bushuk, M., Massonnet, F., Hamilton, L. C., Bitz, C. M., Meier, W. N., & Bhatt, U. S. 2023. "Forecast skill of the Arctic Sea Ice Outlook 2008–2022." Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102531. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL102531

Wiggins, H. (ARCUS), editor. 2023. SIPN2 Project Outcomes. SIPN2 Project Outcomes Infographic (PDF)


Sea Ice Outlook Reports

Sea Ice Outlook: 2022 Post-Season Report
Bhatt, U.S., W. Meier, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, F. Massonnet, H. Goessling, V. Ludwig, P. Bieniek, H. Eicken, M. Fisher, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., and H. V. Wiggins. December 2022. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2022 Post Season Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2022/postseason)

2022: September Report
Bhatt, U.S., P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Fisher, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L., Sheffield Guy, J.K. Grzeda, S. Stoudt, and H. V. Wiggins. September 2022. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2022 September Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2022/september)

2022: August Report
Bhatt, U.S., P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Fisher, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L., Sheffield Guy, J.K. Grzeda, S. Stoudt, and H. V. Wiggins. August 2022. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2022 August Report." Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2022/august.

2022: July Report
Serreze, M., U.S. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Fisher, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L., Sheffield Guy, J.K. Grzeda, S. Stoudt, and H. V. Wiggins. July 2022. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2022 July Report." Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2022/july.

2022: June Report
Wang, M. and Overland, J.E., U.S. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Fisher, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, J. Walsh, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L., Sheffield Guy, J.K. Grzeda, S. Stoudt, and H. V. Wiggins. June 2022. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2022 June Report." Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2022/june.

2021: Post-Season Report
Bhatt, U. S., P. Bieniek, C. M. Bitz, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, H. M. Fisher, Goessling, L. C. Hamilton, E. Hunke, T. Jung, J. Kurths, J. Little, V. Ludwig, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J. E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., and L. Sheffield Guy. February 2022. "2021 Sea Ice Outlook Post-Season Report." Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2021/post-season.


Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., M. Webster, L, Boisvert , C. Parker, C. Horvat. 26 October 2022. "Record Arctic Cyclone of January 2022: Characteristics, Impacts, and Predictability." https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD037161

Landy J.C., G.J. Dawson, M. Tsamados, M. Bushuk, J.C. Stroeve, S.E.L. Howell, T. Krumpen, D.G. Babb, A.S. Komarov, H.D.B.S. Heorton, H.J. Belter, and Y. Aksenov. 15 September 2022. "A Year-round Satellite Sea-ice Thickness Record from CryoSat-2." Nature, 609 (7927), 517-522. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-05058-5

Meier, W.N. and J. Stroeve 1 January 2022. "An Updated Assessment of the Changing Arctic Sea Ice Cover. Oceanography." 35 (2), doi:10.5670/oceanog.2022.114

Babb, D.G., R.J. Galley, S.E.L. Howell, J.C. Landy, J.C. Stroeve, and D.G. Barber. 16 May 2022. "Increasing Multiyear Sea Ice Loss in the Beaufort Sea: A New Export Pathway for the Diminishing Multiyear Ice Cover of the Arctic Ocean." Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2021gl097595

Johnson, T., M. Tsamados, J.-.P. Muller, and J. Stroeve. 9 December 2022. "Mapping Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Roughness with Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer." Remote Sensing, 14 (24), 6249. doi:10.3390/rs14246249

Gregory, W., J. Stroeve, and M. Tsamados. 5 May 2022. "Network Connectivity between the Winter Arctic Oscillation and Summer Sea Ice in CMIP6 Models and Observations." The Cryosphere, 16 (5), 1653-1673. doi:10.5194/tc-16-1653-2022

Stroeve, J., V. Nandan, R. Willatt, R. Dadic, P. Rostosky, M. Gallagher, R. Mallett, A. Barrett, S. Hendricks, R. Tonboe, M. McCrystall, M. Serreze, L. Thielke, G. Spreen, T. Newman, J. Yackel, R. Ricker, M. Tsamados, A. Macfarlane, H.-R. Hannula, and M. Schneebeli. 2022. "Rain on Snow (ROS) Understudied in Sea Ice Remote Sensing: a Multi-sensor Analysis of ROS during MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate)." The Cryosphere, 16 (10), 4223-4250. doi:10.5194/tc-16-4223-2022

Crawford, A.D., J. Lukovich, M.R, McCrystall, J.C. Stroeve, and D.G. Barber. 1 June 2022. "Reduced Sea Ice Enhances Intensification of Winter Storms over the Arctic Ocean." Journal of Climate, 35 (11), 3353-3370. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0747.1

Mallett, R.D.C., J.C. Stroeve, M. Tsamados, R. Willatt, T. Newman, V. Nandan, J.C. Landy, P. Itkin, M. Oggier, M. Jaggi, and D. Perovich. 4 April 2022. "Sub-kilometre Scale Distribution of Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice from Soviet Drifting Stations." Journal of Glaciology, doi:10.1017/jog.2022.18

Roach, L. A., and E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth. 2022. "Observed Winds Crucial for September Arctic Sea Ice Loss." Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL097884. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022GL097884

McGraw, M.C., E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, R.P. Clancy, and C.M Bitz. 2022 "Understanding the Predictability of Arctic Sea Ice Loss on Subseasonal Timescales." Journal of Climate, 35(4), 1179-1196.

Clancy, R., C.M. Bitz, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, M. McGraw, and S. Cavallo. 2022. "A Cyclone-centered Perspective on the Drivers of Asymmetric Patterns in the Atmosphere and Sea Ice during Arctic Cyclones." Journal of Climate, 35(1), 73-89.

Meier, W.N., J.S. Stewart, A. Windnagel, and F.M. Fetterer. 2022." Comparison of Hemispheric and Regional Sea Ice Extent and Area Trends from NOAA and NASA Passive Microwave-Derived Climate Records." Remote Sensing 14 (3) 619-619, doi: 10.3390/rs14030619

Walsh, J., H. Eicken, K. Redilla, and M. Johnson. November 2022. "Sea Ice Breakup and Freeze-up Indicators for Users of the Arctic Coastal Environment." The Cryosphere. 16. 4617-4635. 10.5194/tc-16-4617-2022.

Eicken, H., I. Krupnik, W. Weyapuk, and M. Druckenmiller. June 2022. "Learning about Sea Ice from the Kiŋikmiut: A Decade of Ice Seasons at Wales, Alaska, 2006-2016." 10.1017/9781108974349.005.

Waga, H., H. Eicken, B. Light, and Y. Fukamachi. March 2022. "A Neural Network-based Method for Satellite-based Mapping of Sediment-laden Sea Ice in the Arctic." Remote Sensing of Environment. 270. 112861. 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112861.

Moore, G., M. Steele, A.J. Schweiger, et al. 30 August 2022. "Thick and Old Sea Ice in the Beaufort Sea During Summer 2020/21 was Associated with Enhanced Transport". Commun Earth Environ 3, 198 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00530-6

Moore, G., M. Steele, A.J. Schweiger, J. Zhang, and K.L. Laidre. 2022. "Thick and Old Sea Ice in the Beaufort Sea During Summer 2020/21 was Associated with Enhanced Transport." Commun Earth Environ 3, 198, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00530-6.

Zhang, C., A.F. Levine, M. Wang, C. Gentemann, C. W. Mordy, E.D. Cokelet, P.A. Browne, Q. Yang, N, Lawrence-Slavas, C. Meinig, G. Smith, A. Chiodi, D. Zhang, P. Stabeno, W. Wang, H. Ren, K.A. Peterson, S.N. Figueroa, M. Steele N.P. Barton, and A. Huang. 2022. "Evaluation of Operational Forecasts at Alaskan Arctic Sea Surface using In situ Observations from Saildrones." Mon. Wea. Rev., https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-20-0379.1.

Delhaye, S., T. Fichefet, F. Massonnet, D. Docquier, R. Msadek, S. Chripko, C. Roberts, S. Keeley, and R. Senan. 11 May 2022. "Summertime Changes in Climate Extremes over the Peripheral Arctic Regions after a Sudden Sea Ice Retreat." Weather and Climate Dynamics, 3(2), 555–573. https://doi.org/10.5194/wcd-3-555-2022

Meier, W.N., A. Petty, S. Hendricks, D. Perovich, S. Farrell, M. Webster, D. Divine, S. Gerland, L. Kaleschke, R. Ricker, and X. Tian-Kunze. 2022. "Sea Ice. Arctic Report Card 2022," M.L. Druckenmiller, R.L. Thoman, and T.A. Moon, Eds., doi:10.25923/xyp2-vz45.

Meier, W.N., D. Perovich, S. Farrell, C. Haas, S. Hendricks, A. Petty, M. Webster, D. Divine, S. Gerland, L. Kaleschke, R. Ricker, A. Steer, X. Tian-Kunze, M. Tschudi, and K. Wood. 2022. "Sea ice in “State of the Climate in 2021.” Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103(8), S270–S273, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0082.1.

Meier, W.N. and J. Stroeve. 2022. "The changing Arctic Sea Ice Cover." Oceanography, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2022.114.

Wiggins, H. (2022). Sea Ice Prediction Network: 2021 Annual Report Infographic. Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. Fairbanks, AK.
Sea Ice Prediction Network: 2021 Annual Report Infographic


"Remote Sensing Observations of Sea Ice in a Transformed Arctic Climate." Arctic Science Summit Week. Tromso, Norway, 29 March 2022. Meier, W.

"Sea Ice Prediction Network: An Approach to Improving and Communicating Seasonal Sea-Ice Forecasts." Physical Oceanography Department Seminar, CICESE (Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada), Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. 22 April 2022. Uma Bhatt. SIPN2 Team: U. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, C. Borries-Strigle, H. Eicken, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, B. Turner-Bogren, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins.

"Comparison of Long-term Sea Ice Extent and Area Trends from Three NSIDC Passive Microwave Sea Ice Products," NSIDC Cryospheric Seminar, virtual, 19 January 2022. Meier, W.

"Sea ice, Arctic Report Card 2021," Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy Webinar, virtual, 31 January 2022. Meier, W.

"A brief look at summer 2021 and winter 2022 sea ice," IARPC Sea Ice Working Group meeting, virtual, 29 April 2022. Meier, W.

"Sea ice remote sensing product for seasonal forecasting," IARPC Sea Ice Working Group meeting, virtual, 29 April 2022. Meier, W.

"Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN): Past, Current and Future.” Arctic Regional Climate Center (ArcRCC) Network 9th Arctic Climate Forum, 25 May 2022. SIPN2 Team: U. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, C. Borries-Strigle, H. Eicken, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, B. Turner-Bogren, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins.

"Climate Variability and Change in Alaska." Veternarians in Alaska, Twin Bears Camp, Alaska, 8 August 2022. Uma Bhatt

"2022 Sea Ice Outlook Update." IARPC Sea Ice Collaboration Team Meeting, 29 September 2022. SIPN2 Team: U. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, M. Bushuk, C. Borries-Strigle, H. Eicken, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, B. Turner-Bogren, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins.

"Observations and predictions of Arctic 2022 sea ice: An odd summer," NASA Goddard Cryospheric Sciences seminar, Greenbelt, MD, 28 September 2022. Meier, W.

"An odd summer for 2022 Arctic sea ice: Observations and predictions," IGS Global Seminar Series, virtual, 5 October 2022. Meier, W.

"Applications of AMSR2 and future AMSR3 data at NSIDC," JAXA Science Team Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 8 November 2022.Meier, W.

"How Can a Network of Scientists Improve Seasonal Sea Ice Forecasts and What is the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN)?" Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) Class #2. Fairbanks, Alaska, 25 March 2022. Bhatt, U. S., and B. Turner-Bogren.


Sea Ice Prediction Network: Lessons Learned and Next Steps U. S. Bhatt, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, M. Bushuk, W. Meier, M. Steele, L. C. Hamilton, P. Bieniek, C. Borries-Strigle, H. Eicken, J. Little, F. Massonnet, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, J. Stroeve, B. Turner-Bogren, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. December 2022. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

"Comparison of Long-term Sea Ice Extent and Area Trends from Three Passive Microwave Climate Data Records." Meier W., J.S. Stewart, A. Windnagel, and F. Fetterer. 13 May 2022. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) 2022 Rendezvous, Boulder, Colorado.

Press/Media/Related Publications

Colucci, R.R. "Arctic Sea Ice Extent Forecast for September 2022. The remaining sea ice will play a crucial role in the course of next winter." Severe Weather Europe online, 28 August 2022: https://www.severe-weather.eu/global-weather/arctic-sea-ice-forecast-se…

"Climate Brief: Vignettes from the front lines - the Arctic sea ice maximum." Daily Kos, 11 March 2022. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/3/11/2084945/-Climate-Brief-Vignett…

Naiden, A. "Scientists improve predictions for sea ice coverage." The Arctic Sounder, 10 February 2022. http://www.thearcticsounder.com/article/2206scientists_improve_predicti…

Boyce, R. "The Arctic: Scientists Aim to Improve Sea Ice Predictions' Accuracy, Access." Marine Link, 26 January 2022. https://www.marinelink.com/news/arctic-scientists-aim-improve-sea-ice-4…

Boyce, R. "The Arctic: Scientists Aim to Improve Sea Ice Predictions' Accuracy, Access." Marine Technology News, 26 January 2022. https://www.marinetechnologynews.com/news/arctic-scientists-improve-pre…

Bartosik, J. "UAF scientists seek to further improve sea ice forecasts." Alaska's News Source KTUU, broadcast on 24 January 2022. https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2022/01/25/uaf-scientists-seek-furthe…

Boyce, R. "Scientists aim to improve sea ice predictions' accuracy, access." University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute News, 18 January 2022. https://www.gi.alaska.edu/news/predicting-annual-sea-ice-important-work…

Lavergne, T., Kern, S., Aaboe, S., Derby, L., Dybkjaer, G., Garric, G., Heil, P., Hendricks, S., Holfort, J., Howell, S. 2022. "A New Structure for the Sea Ice Essential Climate Variables of the Global Climate Observing System." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (6) E1502-E1521, doi: 10.1175/bams-d-21-0227.1

SIPN2 Response to Polar Prediction Project/Year of Polar Prediction

Input from SIPN2 to the Polar Prediction Project/Year of Polar Prediction—1 April 2022 (PDF 1.2 MB)


Sea Ice Outlook Reports

Sea Ice Outlook: September Report
Bhatt, U.S., P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Fisher, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B. and L. Sheffield Guy. September 2021. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 September Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2021/september)

Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 August Report
Bhatt, U.S., P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Fisher, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L., Sheffield Guy, and J.K. Grzeda. August 2021. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 August Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2021/august)

Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 July Report
Serreze, M. and W. Meier, U.S. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Fisher, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, J.E. Overland, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L., Sheffield Guy, J.K. Grzeda, and H. V. Wiggins. July 2021. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 July Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2021/july)

Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 June Report
Wang, M. and Overland, J.E., U.S. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Fisher, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L., Sheffield Guy, J.K. Grzeda, S. Stoudt, and H. V. Wiggins. June 2021. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 June Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2021/june)

2020: Post-Season Report
Meier, W., U. S. Bhatt, J. Walsh, R. Thoman, P. Bieniek, C. M. Bitz, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, L. C. Hamilton, M. Hardman, E. Hunke, T. Jung, J. Kurths, J. Little, F. Massonnet, J. E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L. Sheffield Guy, and S. Staudt. March 2021. "2020 Sea Ice Outlook Post-Season Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2020/post-season)


Lenetsky, J. E., M. C. Serreze. 2021. "Statistical Modeling of the Bering Strait Throughflow for Operational Sea Ice Forecasting in the Chukchi Sea." Geophysical Research Letters, 48, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL092939.

Andersson, Tom R., J. S. Hosking, M. Pérez-Ortiz, B. Paige, A. Elliott, C. Russell, S. Law, D. C. Jones, J. Wilkinson, T. Phillips, J. Byrne, S. Tietsche, B. B. Sarojini, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Y. Aksenov, R. Downie, and E. Shuckburgh. 2021. "Seasonal Arctic Sea Ice Forecasting with Probabilistic Deep Learning." Nature Communications, 12, 5124. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25257-4.

Wei, Ke, J. Liu, Q. Bao, B. He, J. Ma, M. Li, M. Song, and Z. Zhu. 2021. "Subseasonal to Seasonal Arctic Sea-Ice Prediction: A grand challenge of climate science." Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 14:4, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2021.100052.

Lukovich, Jennifer V., J.C. Stroeve, A. Crawford, L. Hamilton, M. Tsamados, H. Heorton, and F. Massonnet. 2021. "Summer Extreme Cyclone Impacts on Arctic Sea Ice." Journal of Climate, 34:12, 4817–4834, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0925.1.

Turner-Bogren, B. “SIPN2 News.” Witness the Arctic. Volume 25, Number 2. 22 November 2021. (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/witness-the-arctic/2021/2/article/32637)

Steele, Michael, H. Eicken, U. S. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. V. Wiggins, B. Turner-Bogren, L. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. N. Meier, J. Overland, M. Serreze, J. Stroeve, J. Walsh, and M. Wang. "Moving Sea Ice Prediction Forward Via Community Intercomparison." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1-7, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0159.1.

Turner-Bogren, B. “SIPN2 News.” Witness the Arctic. Volume 25, Number 1. 30 June 2021. (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/witness-the-arctic/2021/1/article/32196)

Hamilton, Lawrence C. "1,000 Predictions: Looking Back on the Sea Ice Outlook, 2008-2020. " January 2021. Faculty Publications. 1210. https://scholars.unh.edu/faculty_pubs/1210

Wiggins, H. (ARCUS). SIPN 2020 Infographic. SIPN2 2020 Annual Report Infographic (PDF) Wiggins, H. (ARCUS). SIPN 2020 Infographic. SIPN2 2020 Annual Report Infographic (PDF)


"A Community of Practice Approach to Improving and Communicating Seasonal Sea-Ice Forecasts." 2021 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2021, U. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, C. Borries-Strigle, H. Eicken, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, B. Turner-Bogren, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins.
2021 SIPN2 Presentation Slides at AGU (PDF 7.7 MB)

"Comparison of Sea Ice Extents from Eight Harmonized Sea Ice Concentration Product." 2021 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Contributors Forum: Virtual Workshop. 2021, Meier, W. (Recording of Presentation and Slides). For further information, see: Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Contributors Forum: Virtual Workshop.

"1,000 Predictions: Looking Back on the Sea Ice Outlook 2008–2020." 2021 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Contributors Forum: Virtual Workshop. 2021, Hamilton, L.
2021 SIO Contributors Forum Plenary Presentation Slides (2.74. MB)
For further information, see: Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Contributors Forum: Virtual Workshop.

"Insights from the SIO Contributor Survey." 2021 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Contributors Forum: Virtual Workshop. 2021, Little, J.
2021 SIO Contributors Forum Plenary Presentation Slides (66.73 KB)
For further information, see: Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Contributors Forum: Virtual Workshop.

Press/Media/Related Publications

Dickie, G. "How AI Can Help Forecast How Much Arctic Sea Ice Will Shrink". Science News, 14 September 2021. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/artificial-intelligence-sea-ice-for…

Chinese Academy of Sciences. "Accurate Subseasonal-to-seasonal Arctic Sea-ice Prediction Remains Challenging". Mirage News, 30 April 2021. https://www.miragenews.com/accurate-subseasonal-to-seasonal-arctic-sea-…

Massonnet, F. "Generation #polarprediction." EGU Blogs, 14 April 2021. https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cl/2021/04/14/generation-polarprediction/

Ke Wei, et al."Subseasonal to Seasonal Arctic Sea-Ice Prediction: A Grand Challenge of Climate Science." Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 14 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2021.100052


SIPN2 Input to IARPC Arctic Research Plan 2022—2026

SIPN2 Input to IARPC Arctic Research Plan 2022-2026 (PDF 175.3 KB)

Sea Ice Outlook Reports

2019 Sea Ice Outlook Full Post-Season Report
Bhatt, U. S., P. Bieniek, C Bitz, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, H. Goessling, L. C. Hamilton, M. Hardman, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J. E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, H. V. Wiggins, and K. Wood. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B. and H. V. Wiggins. February 2020. "2019 Sea Ice Outlook Full Post-Season Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2019/post-season.)

Sea Ice Outlook: 2020 June Report
Wang, M. and Overland, J.E., U.S. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Hardman, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L. Sheffield Guy, S. Stoudt, and H. V. Wiggins. June 2020. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2020 June Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2020/june.)

Sea Ice Outlook: 2020 July Report
Serreze, M., U.S. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Hardman, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L. Sheffield Guy, S. Stoudt, and H. V. Wiggins. June 2020. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2020 July Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2020/july.)

Sea Ice Outlook: 2020 August Report
Bhatt, U.S., P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, M. Hardman, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J.E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, J. Walsh, and M. Wang. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L. Sheffield Guy, S. Stoudt, J. K. Grzeda, and H. V. Wiggins. August 2020. "Sea Ice Outlook: 2020 August Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2020/august.)

2020 Sea Ice Outlook Interim Post-Season Report
Meier, W., U. S. Bhatt, J. Walsh, R. Thoman, P. Bieniek, C. M. Bitz, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, L. C. Hamilton, M. Hardman, E. Hunke, T. Jung, J. Kurths, J. Little, F. Massonnet, J. E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, M. Wang, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., H. V. Wiggins, and S. Staudt. October 2020. "2020 Sea Ice Outlook Interim Post-Season Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2020/interim)


Hamilton, Lawrence C. 2021. "1,000 Predictions: Looking Back on the Sea Ice Outlook, 2008-2020." American Geophysical Union.

Caron, L.-P., F. Massonnet, P. J. Klotzbach, T. J. Philp, and J. Stroeve. 19 February 2020. "Making Seasonal Outlooks of Arctic Sea Ice and Atlantic Hurricanes Valuable—Not Just Skillful." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 101, Issue 1, E36–E42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0314.1

Wagner, P. M., N. Hughes, P. Bourbonnais, J. Stroeve, L. Rabenstein, U. Bhatt, J. Little, H. Wiggins, A. Fleming. 2020. "Sea-ice Information and Forecast Needs for Industry Maritime Stakeholders ." Polar Geography, 43:2-3, 160-187, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2020.1766592. (Available online at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1088937X.2020.1766592)

Lawrence C. Hamilton. 2020. "Two kinds of polar knowledge." Journal of Geoscience Education, DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2020.1838849

Bushuk, M., Winton, M., Bonan, D.B., Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth, E. and Delworth, T.L., 2020. A mechanism for the Arctic sea ice spring predictability barrier. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(13), p.e2020GL088335.


U.S. Climate Variability and Predictability Program (CLIVAR) Webinar - November 2020
"Arctic Sea Ice: A Rapidly Changing Environment and the Challenges it Presents for Prediction." Meier, W. CLIVAR Webinar, 18 November 2020. Archived at: https://usclivar.org/archived-webinars

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - December 2020
"1,000 Predictions: What’s New and What’s Old in a Retrospective Analysis of the Sea Ice Outlook, 2008–2020" (Invited talk). 2020 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Virtual. 2020. Hamilton, L. Paper #C069-01


American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - December 2020
"The Sea Ice Prediction Network Phase 2: Improving Arctic Sea Ice Forecasts through an Interdisciplinary Research Network." 2020 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Virtual. 2020. Wiggins, H.V. and B. Turner-Bogren, on behalf of the SIPN2 Leadership Team. Paper #C064-0002.
Downloaded AGU2020 Virtual Poster (PDF 2.3 MB)


Rosen, Y. "Arctic ice extent is unlikely to hit a record-low minimum, but lingering ice is ‘thin and porous’". Nunatsiaq News, 24 August 2020. https://nunatsiaq.com/stories/article/arctic-ice-extent-is-unlikely-to-…

"2020 Arctic sea ice melt may not set a record, but it looks to be close." Red Green and Blue. 24 August 2020. http://redgreenandblue.org/2020/08/24/2020-arctic-sea-ice-melt-may-not-…


Sea Ice Outlook Reports

Bhatt, U. S., P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, H. Goessling, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J. E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, B. Wallin, J. Walsh, M. Wang, N. Wayand, H. V. Wiggins, and X. Yuan. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L. Sheffield Guy, S. Stoudt, and H. V. Wiggins. March 2019. "2018 Sea Ice Outlook Full Post-Season Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2018/post-season.)

Wang, M. and Overland, J., U. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, C. Bitz, E. Blanchard-Wigglesworth, H. Eicken, L. Hamilton, M. Hardman, E. Hunke, T. Jung, J. Kurths, J. Little, F. Massonnett, W. Meier, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, B. Turner-Bogren, B. Wallin, J. Walsh, H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., S. Stoudt, L. Sheffield Guy, and H.V. Wiggins. June 2019. "Sea Ice Outlook June Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2019/june.)

Serreze, M., Meier, W., and Stroeve, J.; U. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, C. Bitz, E. Blanchard-Wigglesworth, H. Eicken, L. Hamilton, M. Hardman, E. Hunke, T. Jung, J. Kurths, J. Little, F. Massonnett, J. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, R. Thoman, B. Turner-Bogren, J. Walsh, M. Wang, H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., S. Stoudt, L. Sheffield Guy, and H.V. Wiggins. July 2019. "Sea Ice Outlook July Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2019/july.)

Bhatt, U.S., J. Walsh; P. Bieniek, C. Bitz, E. Blanchard-Wigglesworth, H. Eicken, L. Hamilton, M. Hardman, E. Hunke, T. Jung, J. Kurths, J. Little, F. Massonnett, J. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, R. Thoman, B. Turner-Bogren, M. Wang, H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., S. Stoudt, L. Sheffield Guy, and H.V. Wiggins. August 2019. "Sea Ice Outlook August Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2019/august.)

Meier, W., U. S. Bhatt, J. Walsh, R. Thoman, M. Serreze, M. Steele, M. Wang, H. Eicken, M. Hardman, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, C. M. Bitz, L. C. Hamilton, E. Hunke, T. Jung, J. Kurths, J. Little, F. Massonnet, J. E. Overland, J. Stroeve, and H. V. Wiggins. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., H. V. Wiggins, L. Sheffield Guy, and K. Grzeda. October 2018. "2019 Sea Ice Outlook Interim Post-Season Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2019/InterimPostSeason)


Horvath, S., J. Stroeve, B. Rajagopalan and W. Kleiber (2019), A Bayesian Logistic Regression for Probabilistic Forecasts of the Minimum September Arctic Sea Ice Extent, Geophysical Research Letters, submitted.

Wagner, P., J. Stroeve, T. Eldevik, N. Hughes, L. Hislop and K. Eik (2019), Sea-ice forecasters and maritime operational end-users: Bridging the disconnect, EOS Trans., submitted.

Wagner, P., N. Hughes, P. Bourbonnais, J. Stroeve, L. Rabenstein, U. Bhatt, J. Little and H. Wiggins (2019), Sea ice information and forecast needs for industry maritime stakeholders, Polar Geography, submitted.


Rosen, Yareth. "Record-low Sea Ice in July Sets Up Conditions for an Ultra-low Minimum Extent this Fall," ArcticToday, August 7, 2019, https://www.arctictoday.com/record-low-sea-ice-in-july-sets-up-conditio…. (Re-printed via Nunatsiaq News, August 8, 2019, https://nunatsiaq.com/stories/article/record-low-sea-ice-in-july-sets-u…).

Presentations - Posters

8th Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations - July 2019
Wiggins, H.V. "Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN2) 2018 - 2022" (PDF - 9 MB)

Arctic Futures 2050 Conference - September 2019
Bhatt, U., Wiggins, H.V., SIPN Team. "Reduce the Gap Between Stakeholder Needs & Seasonal Sea Ice Outlooks" (PDF - 1.9 MB)

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - December 2019
Sea Ice Prediction Network—Phase 2 (SIPN2): A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Improve Sea Ice Predictions (PDF - 2.3 MB)

Related Workshop: 2019 Polar Prediction Workshop: From Weather to Interannual Time Scales | 24-26 April 2019 | National Weather Center, Norman, Oklahoma
2019 Polar Prediction Workshop Summary


Sea Ice Outlook Reports

Stroeve, J., H. Goessling, and F. Massonnet. Editors: Wiggins, H. V. and B. Turner-Bogren. January 2018. "Sea Ice Outlook 2017 Post-Season Report." Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2017/post-season.

Overland, J., B. Wallin, Massonnet, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, M. Steele, M. Serreze, L. C. Hamilton, C. M. Bitz, J. Stroeve, W. Meier, H. Eicken, M. Wang, J. Little, U. S. Bhatt, H. V. Wiggins, and P. Gudmandsen. Editors: Wiggins, H. V., B. Turner-Bogren and S. Stoudt. June 2018. "Sea Ice Outlook June Report." Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2018/june.

Serreze, M., J. Stroeve, U. S. Bhatt, W. Meier, F. Massonnet, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, L. C. Hamilton, C. M. Bitz, J. E. Overland, H. Eicken, H. V. Wiggins, M. Wang, P. Bieniek, J. Little, J. Walsh, J. Kurths, M. Steele, E. Hunke, N. Wayand, T. Jung, and B. Wallin. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., H. V. Wiggins and S. Stoudt. July 2018. "Sea Ice Outlook July Report." Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2018/july.

Bhatt, U. S., J. Walsh, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, N. Wayand, F. Massonnet, J.Zhang, W. Meier, M. Serreze, J. Stroeve, L. C. Hamilton, C. M. Bitz, J. E. Overland, H. Eicken, H. V. Wiggins, M. Wang, P. Bieniek, J. Little, J. Kurths, M. Steele, E. Hunke,T. Jung, and B. Wallin. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., H. V. Wiggins and S. Stoudt. August 2018. "Sea Ice Outlook August Report." Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2018/august.

Meier, W., U. S. Bhatt, J. Walsh, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, N. Wayand, R. Thoman, F. Massonnet, J. Zhang, W, M. Serreze, J. Stroeve, L. C. Hamilton, C. M. Bitz, J. E. Overland, H. Eicken, H. V. Wiggins, M. Wang, P. Bieniek, J. Little, J. Kurths, M. Steele, E. Hunke, T. Jung, and B. Wallin. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., H. V. Wiggins and S. Stoudt. October 2018. "2018 Sea Ice Outlook Interim Post-Season Report." Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2018/interim.

Bhatt, U. S., P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Eicken, H. Goessling, L. C. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W. Meier, J. E. Overland, M. Serreze, M. Steele, J. Stroeve, R. Thoman, B. Wallin, J. Walsh, M. Wang, N. Wayand, H. V. Wiggins, and X. Yuan. Editors: Turner-Bogren, B., L. Sheffield Guy, S. Stoudt, and H. V. Wiggins. March 2019. "2018 Sea Ice Outlook Full Post-Season Report." (Published online at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/sea-ice-outlook/2018/post-season.)


Witness the Arctic
Turner-Bogren, Betsy. "Sea Ice Prediction Network–Phase 2 (SIPN2) – Advancing Research to Improve Sea Ice Forecasting." Witness the Arctic, August 24, 2018. Published on line at: https://www.arcus.org/witness-the-arctic/2018/1/article/28413.

Witness Community Highlights
Stroeve, Julienne, C. Bitz, W. Meier, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, J. Overland, M. Wang, H. Eicken, L. Hamilton, J. Hutchings, H. V. Wiggins, A. Tivy, P. Jones, and E. Hunke. "Arctic Sea Ice Conditions and Predictions from the 2017 Sea Ice Outlook Post-Season Report." Article in Witness the Arctic Community Highlights Newsletter, January 31, 2018. Published at: https://www.arcus.org/witness-the-arctic/2018/1/highlight/1.

Meier, W., U. S. Bhatt, J. Walsh, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, N. Wayand, R. Thoman, F. Massonnet, J. Zhang, W, M. Serreze, J. Stroeve, L. C. Hamilton, C. M. Bitz, J. E. Overland, H. Eicken, H. V. Wiggins, M. Wang, P. Bieniek, J. Little, J. Kurths, M. Steele, E. Hunke, T. Jung, and B. Wallin. "2018 Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent Reached in Late September." Article in Witness the Arctic Community Highlights Newsletter, October 31, 2018. Published at: https://www.arcus.org/witness-the-arctic/2018/10/highlight/1.

(Note: Past SIPN publications are available here.)

SIPN2 Presentations at AGU 2018

SIPN2-related Oral Presentations, Posters, and Town Halls at AGU 2018


Press article: "As the Arctic Melts, New Technologies Predict Where Sea Ice Will Be." By Gloria Dickey, Oceans Deeply online publication. Published 14 March 2018: https://www.newsdeeply.com/oceans/articles/2018/03/14/as-the-arctic-mel…


American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting
Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN2) 2018 - 2022 Wiggins, H.V., B. Turner-Bogren, S. Stoudt, and the SIPN2 Project Team. "Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN2) 2018 - 2022"

National Lab Day - May 2018
Bhatt, U. "Seasonal Sea Ice Predictions"

Sea Ice Data Needs


Archived Pages

Previous press coverage on the Sea Ice Outlook