
The ARCSS Program has become a major focal point for synthesis studies of the Arctic. This requires that the Program actively engage the community in developing improved data and modeling approaches to advance system-level, interdisciplinary understanding of the state and changes in the Arctic. NSF-ARCSS, SEARCH, and IARC have joined forces to begin designing a coordinated data and modeling strategy to enhance arctic system synthesis.


The primary goal of this workshop was to:

  • Bring together representatives of the data provider and data user communities to identify: innovative approaches for uniting data management and assimilation, recent developments in technology, and modeling activities that will advance synthesis studies of the arctic system and broadly disseminate knowledge of the Arctic.


A 3-day workshop with approximately 50 participants. The workshop consisted of plenary talks and discussion, working groups, and poster sessions on the state-of-the art in data-modeling-synthesis fusion. The workshop considered a set of supporting discussion points:

  • What are the data and modeling needs to advance synthesis-focused arctic system science?
  • What's currently working and what is needed in terms of applying data and modeling for analysis to advance science? What are the keys to success?
  • What are the practical steps forward as far as mechanisms, approaches, tools and procedures, organization, standards, and related issues?


The workshop will result in a community-reviewed report summarizing key issues, common challenges, general lessons and ideas for steps forward that emerged during the workshop; the workshop report will include recommendations for NSF investments in this arena.


Invitees were selected to ensure broad community participation across disciplines and expertise. A limited number of additional participants were solicited from the broader community through a self-nomination process; this process included completion of an online form, which included questions focused on the applicants experience, perspective, and potential contributions to the workshop, and also required submission of a paper or poster abstract. To ensure a still broader set of perspectives, updates were provided to, and feedback solicited from, the community prior to the workshop through teleconferencing and/or online tools. Opportunities for virtual participation were also provided during the workshop.
Workshop Organizing Committee:

Charles Vörösmarty, co-chair (Water Systems Analysis Group, University of New Hampshire; ARCSS Committee Member)
A. David McGuire, co-chair (Department of Biology and Wildlife, University of Alaska Fairbanks; member of SEARCH Data Working Group)
Larry Hinzman (International Arctic Research Center)
Marika Holland (National Center for Atmospheric Research; ARCSS Committee Member)
Janet Intrieri (Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation)
Maribeth Murray (Department of Anthropology, University of Alaska Fairbanks; ARCSS Committee Member)
Josh Schimel (ex officio) (Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara; ARCSS Committee Chair)
Wendy Warnick (Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S.)
John Weatherly (Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory; Past Chair of ARCSS Data Working Group)
Helen Wiggins (Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S.)

Presentation Files