The Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS) Early Career Conference Funding Award supports US-based, early career researchers and students to participate in meetings and events relevant to Arctic research, since 2020. The first three award cycles during 2020–early 2022 supported virtual conference attendance due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions and transitioned to in-person travel in fall 2022. The forthcoming fall 2023 funding awards will cover registration fees, session/abstract submission costs, travel, and other relevant expenses related to in-person conference attendance for one US-based conference or event scheduled to take place during the period of 1 December 2023 – 1 June 2024. Funding for these awards is made possible through the National Science Foundation’s Arctic Sciences Section (PLR #1928794).

This award also aims to specifically increase participation of early career, underrepresented minorities (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color; BIPOC) in Arctic research. Preference will be given to:

  1. BIPOC applicants;
  2. New applicants to the ARCUS Early Career Conference Funding Award (previous awardees are eligible, however); and
  3. Applicants who are new to Arctic research and/or have never had the opportunity to attend an Arctic-themed conference or meeting. This award is for conference attendance and participation—submitting an abstract will be optional. Prior experience in Arctic research is not required. In the event of COVID-19 related travel complications, ARCUS will work with each awardee individually to accommodate necessary schedule or travel changes.

The Fall 2023 Early Career Conference Funding Award application period will be open 19 September–31 October 2023.

The deadline for submitting an award application will be 5:00 p.m. Alaska time, Tuesday, 31 October 2023. Award notifications are anticipated to be announced 17 November 2023.

Qualifications and Requirements

  • Applicants should be early-career, defined for this award as a student (undergraduate or graduate) or within six years of terminal degree

  • US-based (US citizenship not required)

  • Intended conference must be held in the US, have Arctic-relevant sessions/themes (of any discipline), and occur before 1 June 2024

  • Eligible expenses include airfare, per diem, lodging, conference registration, abstract/session submission fees, and other relevant expenses upon approval, which will be either paid directly or reimbursed by ARCUS

  • Awardees will complete a brief follow-up survey about their experience

Call For Applications - OPEN

The Fall 2023 Early Career Conference Funding Award will open for applications Tuesday, 19 September and close 5:00 p.m. Alaska time, Tuesday, 31 October 2023 for in-person conference travel. Successful applicants will be selected by a volunteer selection committee and notified of award acceptance in mid-November. You can find the application in the upper right corner of this webpage.

For questions, please contact Lisa Sheffield Guy, ARCUS at lisa [at]

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If you're new to Arctic research and aren't sure where to look for a relevant conference or meeting, please visit our Arctic Calendar to find Arctic events and meetings. Some good options include:

The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: 11–15 December 2023, San Francisco, California

American Meteorological Society Polar Meteorology and Oceanography Special Symposium: 28 January–1 February 2024, Baltimore, Maryland

Ocean Sciences Meeting: 18-23 February 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana

2024 NNA Annual Community Meeting: 5-7 March 2024, Washington, DC

Arctic Encounter Symposium 2024: 10-12 April 2024, Anchorage, Alaska

Early Career Conference Funding Award Selection Committee 2020–2022

Lavanya Ashokkumar, University of Arizona and Association of Early Career Polar Scientists (APECS)
Claire Griffin, Southern Oregon University
Julie Loisel, Texas A & M University
Josephine-Mary Sam, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Lisa Sheffield Guy, Arctic Research Consortium of the US
Stacey Stoudt, Arctic Research Consortium of the US

Arctic Calendar