
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Conference Announcement
    18th International Symposium on Polar Sciences
    22-24 May 2012
    Jeju Island, Republic of Korea

  2. Live Chat with Glacier Experts
    8 February 2012 at 10:00 a.m. AKST

  3. Registration and Abstract Submission Available
    XI International Scientific Conference
    1-3 November 2012
    Murmansk, Russia

  1. Conference Announcement
    18th International Symposium on Polar Sciences
    22-24 May 2012
    Jeju Island, Republic of Korea

Organizers announce that the 18th International Symposium on Polar
Sciences will be held in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea on 22-24 May
2012. The conference will be sponsored by the Korea Polar Research
Institute (KOPRI).

The International Symposium on Polar Sciences has been held every year
since 1994, and is intended to build better understanding and consensus
on the progress and future of polar research programs. The theme of the
2012 symposium is "Milestones in Polar Research Collaboration." The main
objective of this event is to examine polar environmental changes
observed in the atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.
The symposium will also address meteorites in the Antarctica and new
technology for polar sciences.

Further information will be posted as available, at:

  1. Live Chat with Glacier Experts
    8 February 2012 at 10:00 a.m. AKST

Join AlaskaNPS on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 at 10:00-11:00 a.m. AKST
for a live virtual chat with several glacier experts.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more
about glaciers and glacier research in Alaska's national parks. Members
of the public can connect to the conversation in three ways:

- By posting comments on the Facebook page
- By following #meetaknps on Twitter @AlaskaNPS; or
- By sending emails to akr_info [at]

Questions may be submitted in advance.

For additional information, including details on the speakers, please go

  1. Registration and Abstract Submission Available
    XI International Scientific Conference
    1-3 November 2012
    Murmansk, Russia

Organizers announce that the XI International Scientific Conference,
entitled "Integrated Researches of Spitzbergen Nature," is now accepting
registrations and abstract submissions. The conference will be held 1-3
November 2012 in Murmansk, Russia.

The conference is devoted to important aspects of scientific studies of
the shelf and archipelagos of the European Arctic, discussion of plans
and research programs of further studies, and international cooperation.
Conference themes include:

- Current status of the arctic environment;
- Dynamics of climatic changes;
- Assessment of the state of ecosystems, and ecological and
resources potential;
- Biodiversity of communities of arctic ecosystems;
- Dynamics of glaciers, periglacial events and processes;
- Geological and geophysical studies;
- Quaternary geology, paleogeography;
- Instruments and methods of studies; and
- Archaeological studies.

Registration deadline: 1 April 2012.
Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2012.

Further information, including instructions for registration and
abstract submission, can be downloaded in either Russian or English at: