
Multiple Resources Available

  1. Database Available Online
    Nunavik Bibliography

  2. Online Newsletter Available
    NSIDC Notes Issue 77, Fall 2011
    National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

  3. Book Available
    Scott's Forgotten Surgeon
    By: Aubrey A. Jones

  4. Newsletter Available
    IDPO Ice Bits, Fall2011
    Ice Drilling Program Office

  1. Database Available Online
    Nunavik Bibliography

The Makivik Corporation, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Canada, Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Arctic Institute of North
America, and the Centre D'etudes Nordiques announce the availability of
the Nunavik Bibliography, which describes 6,600 publications and is
available for free at:

This comprehensive bibliographic database about northern Quebec
including Nunavik (Quebec north of the 55 degree latitude), the nearby
Nunavut islands including the Belcher Islands, Labrador north of the 56
degree latitude, and adjacent marine areas. The goal of the database is
to capture all publications, both current and historical, in all fields
of knowledge. Recent additions to the bibliography include all
publications about Nunavik produced by ArcticNet, the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research Team in Circumpolar Health Research,
International Polar Year 2007-2008, and the Northern Contaminants
Program. The bibliography also includes many of the publications in the
Nunavik Research Centre Library, and articles from Makivik Corporation
periodicals that were indexed by the McGill University Library as part
of the IPY project "Hearing and Sharing the Voices of Nunavik."

The Nunavik Bibliography can be searched for words in titles and
abstracts, broad subject categories, detailed subject and geographic
terms, community names, authors, years of publication, and research
programs. Both simple and advanced search pages are provided. Search
results can be sorted by year or by first author. Database records
contain citations, abstracts, detailed subject and geographic terms, and
links to pdf files of 2,900 online publications.

To search the database, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Ross Goodwin
Email: rgoodwin [at]

  1. Online Newsletter Available
    NSIDC Notes, Fall 2011
    National Snow and Ice Data Center

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) announces the release of
the Fall 2011 newsletter NSIDC Notes, issue Number 77. The issue is
available at:

NSIDC Notes is published quarterly in electronic format. This issue of
NSIDC Notes features:

- Sea ice news;
- Weather station website in the Inuktitut Language;
- Conference news; and
- Data Management Workshop at the 2012 American Geophysical Union

To download the current newsletter, or to review previous issues, please
go to:

  1. Book Available
    Scott's Forgotten Surgeon
    By: Aubrey A. Jones

A new book entitled "Scott's Forgotten Surgeon; Dr. Reginald Koettlitz,
polar explorer," is available. The book was written by Aubrey A. Jones
and published by Whittles Publishing, Caithness, Scotland.

The Royal Geographical Society awarded Dr. Reginald Koettlitz a medal
for his role as senior surgeon in the Discovery Expedition, 1901-04.
This account covers the four main expeditions undertaken by Koettlitz in
the period of polar exploration when Nansen, Amundsen, Shackleton, and
Scott were active leading up to the ill-fated Terra Nova Expedition. It
is enriched with previously unseen archive material such as
correspondence with Nansen and photographs relating to polar history
during the period 1890-1916.

For further information or to order, please go to:

  1. Newsletter Available
    IDPO Ice Bits, Fall 2011
    Ice Drilling Program Office

The fall 2011 issue of the Ice Drilling Program Office (IDPO) newsletter
Ice Bits is available online. Ice Bits, an update of IDPO and Ice
Drilling Design and Operations activities, is published quarterly in
electronic format and can be accessed as a PDF file, at:

Selected items in this issue include:

- Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions AGU Town Hall Meeting;
- Field Support to Antarctic Projects;
- Intermediate-Depth Drill;
- Intermediate-Depth Logging Winch;
- Rapid Access Ice Drill (RAID);
- Replicate Coring System;
- Follow Us on Twitter; and
- Requesting Ice Drilling Support.

To download the newsletter, please go to:

For further information, please go to: