
Sessions of Interest
IPY 2012 From Knowledge to Action
22-27 April 2012
Montreal, Canada

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 30 September 2011

For further information, please go to:

The International Polar Year (IPY) 2012 Conference entitled "From
Knowledge to Action" is scheduled for 22-27 April 2012 in Montreal,
Canada. The parallel sessions for the 2012 conference are broken down
into four areas. Session conveners would like to call attention to the
following sessions:

Session Area 1 - Science Highlights

- 1.2.3 Diminishing snow and ice
Conveners: Martin Sharp, Alexandra Jahn, Jouni Raisanen, and Gesa

For details on sessions in Area 1, including convener contact
information, please go to:

Session Area 2 - Synthesis and Integration

- 2.2.6 Past, present, and future polar climate change
Conveners: Ian Allison, Michael Fritz, and Michele Koppes

For details on sessions in Area 2, including convener contact
information, please go to:

Session Area 3 - From Knowledge to Action

- 3.4.1 Polar knowledge and policies, management and decision-making
processes in relation to the arctic
Conveners: Annika Nilsson, Ronald Doel, and Heather Exner-Pirot

For details on sessions in Area 3, including convener contact
information, please go to:

The abstract submission deadline for all sessions:
Friday, 30 September 2011.