
NSF Announcement
Norm Augustine to Lead Review of Antarctic Science Blue Ribbon Panel

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Norm Augustine to Lead Review of Antarctic Science Blue Ribbon Panel to
Assess US Activities on World's Southernmost Continent

An upcoming strategic review of US science-support operations on the
continent of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean will be led by Norm
Augustine, the former Chair of the National Academy of Engineering who
led the last such review in 1997. Augustine has previously served on the
President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology during
Democratic and Republican Administrations and has led a number of other
high-profile commissions regarding national priorities in science and
technology domains.

The United States has supported research activities in the Antarctic for
more than 50 years through programs budgeted and managed by the National
Science Foundation (NSF). Those activities include the maintenance of
year-round facilities and temporary field sites and the operation of
ice-capable research vessels off the coasts. Observations and
experiments conducted on and surrounding the continent's rugged
environment have generated seminal insights into atmospheric and ocean
processes, the biology of ancient life, the origins of the universe, and
a wide range of other topics.

To ensure that the Nation remains on a robust and sustainable path to
conducting the most important research on the planet's coldest, driest,
and most remote continent and in the surrounding ocean, the United
States has periodically supported independent reviews of the science
program there, the last of which was 14 years ago. Today, the growing
availability of new remote observing technologies and other advances
that can improve efficiencies for those conducting research in
Antarctica's extreme environment-along with changes in the region due
largely to climate change, the effects of which are amplified near the
Earth's poles- warrant a fresh review of the Program.

"The Obama Administration strongly supports the US Antarctic Program and
understands its importance in America's conduct of international
diplomacy, polar scientific endeavors, science leadership, and
exploration of this vast continent and its surrounding seas," said John
P. Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and
Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. "The
Administration's goal is to ensure that these important research
programs remain on a strong and stable footing well into the 21st
Century, and this review will be crucial to meeting that goal."

The US Antarctic Program Blue Ribbon Panel that Augustine is to lead
will review the current US Antarctic Program to ensure that the Nation
is pursuing an optimal long-term strategy for conducting science and
diplomacy in Antarctica. The Panel will aim to identify and characterize
a range of options for supporting and implementing US priorities in
Antarctica, including scientific progress, international collaboration,
maintenance of a strong American presence, efficient operations, and
good stewardship of the Antarctic environment. Building upon an ongoing
National Research Council study that will describe future Antarctic
science needs, the panel will work closely with the NSF and other
agencies and will seek input from Congress, the White House, the public,
industry, and international partners as it develops its options. It is
to present its results in time to support Administration decisions on
ways forward by early 2012.

"I am confident that this review will serve the Nation well by
evaluating NSF's current Antarctic infrastructure, examining
opportunities for international infrastructure collaborations, examining
future requirements for maintaining permanent stations and other
infrastructure, and reviewing management and logistical options for
supporting anticipated scientific operations over the next 20 years,"
said NSF Director Subra Suresh.

Augustine said he looks forward to leading the expert panel, the members
of which will be named in the weeks ahead.

"It is an honor to be asked to lead this important scientific program
review," said Augustine, who in addition to being a former aerospace
industry executive is a recipient of the National Medal of Technology,
the Joint Chiefs of Staff Distinguished Public Service Award, and the
Department of Defense's Civilian Distinguished Service Medal, and has
served as chair of the American Red Cross and President of the Boy
Scouts of America. "I am a firm believer in the value of this Nation's
research enterprise and will do everything I can to provide the
information needed to help the country maintain its scientific
leadership and excellence in this remote but exceedingly important part
of our planet."

Media Contact:
Debbie Wing, NSF
Email: dwing [at]
Phone: 703-292-5344

Rick Weiss, OSTP
Email: rweiss [at]
Phone: 202-456-6037