
Webinar Announcement
What Does the National Ocean Policy Mean for the Arctic Region?
Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy
Tuesday, 19 April 2011

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Brook Gamble
Phone: 907-474-7812
Email: accap [at]

An interactive webinar entitled "What Does the National Ocean Policy
Mean for the Arctic Region?" will be held Tuesday, 19 April 2011 from
10:00-11:00 a.m. Alaska Daylight Time. The webinar is hosted by the
Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks.

The webinar will be presented by Cheryl Rosa, Deputy Director, U.S.
Arctic Research Commission and Mary Boatman, Ocean Policy Advisor,
National Ocean Council, Executive Office of the President.

In July 2010, President Obama announced a commitment to implement a new
National Ocean Policy. What does this mean for the arctic region, which
was specifically highlighted in a "priority objective" in the National
Ocean Policy? Efforts to address our stewardship responsibilities in the
Arctic Ocean and adjacent coastal areas, in the face of climate-induced
and other environmental changes, would greatly benefit from input from
local and regional experts. The Planning Committee welcomes your input
to help identify the critical actions that need to be taken to address
environmental stewardship needs in the region. Please join the webinar
to learn about the National Ocean Policy efforts to develop a strategic
action plan for the changing conditions in the Arctic, and to share your
comments, questions, and ideas.

Preregistration for the webinar is encouraged. Please fill out the form
available at:
Alternately, you can contact Brook Gamble at ACCAP (907-474-7812,
accap [at] Instructions to phone into the webinar, and to
interactively watch a powerpoint presentation on an internet-linked
computer are available at:

Public comment, in advance of the webinar, can be submitted at: These will
be discussed during the webinar.

For those unable to participate in the webinar, an archive of the
powerpoint presentation and a podcast of the webinar discussion will be
available at:

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Brook Gamble
Phone: 907-474-7812
Email: accap [at]