
Request for Proposals
Alaska Sea Grant
2012-2014 Biennium

Pre-proposal deadline: Friday, 28 January 2011

For further information, please go to:

Alaska Sea Grant invites pre-proposals for research projects for the
2012-2014 biennium. Creative and innovative research proposals are
sought in the natural and social sciences that focus on the
environmental and economic viability of Alaska's coastal communities. In
this solicitation, Alaska Sea Grant is interested in proposals that
address either of the following themes:

- Impacts on and strategies for coastal ecosystems and/or coastal
communities adapting to change.
- Improvements to the economic and sociocultural sustainability of
Alaskan coastal communities.

It is anticipated that approximately $500,000 per year will be available
for this solicitation, funding approximately 5-7 projects during this
period. Pre-proposals must be submitted by Friday, 28 January 2011.
Based on review of the pre-proposals, approximately 15 invitations to
submit full proposals will be issued by 28 February 2011, with final
funding recommendations by 19 September 2011.

Normal project duration is no more than two years. However, designation
of one or two Long Duration Projects will be considered for which
funding may be available through the 2015-2016 biennium. Long Duration
Projects will be renewable through an abbreviated re-application and
review process, subject to satisfactory progress including discrete
2-year milestone accomplishments. Investigators considering Long
Duration Projects are urged to discuss their plans with Alaska Sea Grant

Further details, including specifics on the program, a list of contacts,
and details on the application process, are available online at:

Pre-proposal deadline: Friday, 28 January 2011.

For further information, please go to: