
Registration Now Available
Canada - United States Northern Oil and Gas Research Forum
30 November - 2 December 2010
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Early Registration Deadline: 29 October 2010
Abstract Deadline: 17 September 2010

For further information about the conference, please go to:

Or contact:
Tara Paull
Email: forum [at]
Phone: 819-953-0031

To register, go to:

For questions about registration, contact:
Julie Griswold, ARCUS
Email: julie [at]
Phone: 907-474-1600

Registration is now open for the Canada - United States Northern Oil and
Gas Research Forum. The Forum will be convened 30 November - 2 December
2010 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Early registration is $350 (Canadian) per person through 29 October
2010. The regular registration fee (starting 30 October) is $400
(Canadian) per person. The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S.
(ARCUS) is managing the registration process on behalf of the conference

The forum is open to regulators, Aboriginals, industry members, and
scientists who share an interest in linking science to improve oil and
gas resource management in the North. The forum will focus on technical,
engineering, and scientific issues in eight sessions:

- Environmental conditions in exploration areas
- Interaction of oil and gas activities with sensitive coastal
- Ice engineering for offshore operations
- Oil spill prevention in the Arctic
- Oil spill management in the Arctic
- Monitoring for cumulative effects in the Arctic
- Safety on northern offshore platforms and escape, evacuation, and
rescue (EER) issues
- Transportation logistics for exploration and development in the

Abstract submissions are invited for oral and poster presentations that
relate to the scientific requirements for management and oversight of
northern oil and gas activities in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas and
adjacent North Slope and Mackenzie Delta. Abstracts should contain a
brief introduction and a concise description of methods and results,
highlight major findings, and identify how the research is related to
management of oil and gas in the Arctic. The text should not exceed 300

Abstracts will be reviewed by the session chair and conference
organizers for each subject area. Abstracts will be evaluated based on
relevance to the conference theme (science for oil and gas management)
and session topics, demonstrated linkages between the research and
regulatory or decision-making processes, and the quality and clarity of
the content. Due to the limited number of oral presentations, authors
who requested an oral presentation may be asked to present their work in
poster format. Abstract selections will be announced on Friday, 1
October 2010.

By submitting an abstract, the author agrees to attend the conference,
pay appropriate conference fees, and make the presentation as scheduled.

All abstracts must be submitted to Tara Paull via email:
forum [at]

In the email, be sure to include the title of the presentation, the
session in which you wish to present, the abstract, corresponding
author's name and contact information, all authors' names and
affiliations, and the type of presentation (oral or poster).

For further information about the conference, please go to:

Or contact:
Tara Paull
Email: forum [at]
Phone: 819-953-0031

To register, go to:

For questions about registration, contact:
Julie Griswold, ARCUS
Email: julie [at]
Phone: 907-474-1600