
Multiple Resources Available

  1. Gwich'in Ethnobotany Database
    Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute

  2. Polar Weather Research and Forecasting
    Byrd Polar Research Center

  1. Gwich'in Ethnobotany Database
    Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute

The Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute (GSCI) is pleased to announce
the launch of a Gwich'in ethnobotany database. The database is available
online, at:

The database contains information on 47 plants used for food, medicine,
shelter, and tools. Photographs, video, and recipes are included and
information on plants can be accessed by type of plant and by use.

To view the database, select "New Plant Database" from the sidebar of
the website ( Funding to create the database was
generously provided by the MacArthur Foundation through the University
of Winnipeg.

  1. Polar Weather Research and Forecasting
    Byrd Polar Research Center

A polar-optimized set of modifications to the advanced research Weather
Research and Forecasting (WRF) limited-area atmospheric model has been
developed by the Polar Meteorology Group of Ohio State University's Byrd
Polar Research Center.

The modified version of WRF, known as Polar WRF, has been recently
upgraded and is now based upon the up-to-date version of WRF, version
3.2. The latest version of Polar WRF contains options allowing specified
sea ice thickness and snow cover on sea ice to vary horizontally. Added
support for the WRF Preprocessing System (WPS) allows users to input
these fields from observationally-determined horizontal distributions. A
specified seasonal pattern of arctic sea ice albedo can also now be
input. An additional new feature is complete compatibility of WRF's MYNN
(Mellor-Yamada Nakanishi Niino) surface atmospheric layer option with
the existing sea ice fraction treatment. The modified code has been
tested over arctic sea ice, arctic land conditions, Greenland, and

If you like to use Polar WRF, please contact David Bromwich
(bromwich.1 [at] to obtain the source code.

Support for the polar modifications to WRF is primarily provided by the
National Science Foundation through the Arctic System Reanalysis
project. Information on the advanced research WRF model can be obtained
through NCAR (

For additional information on Polar WRF, please go to:

Or contact:
David Bromwich
Email: bromwich.1 [at]