
Multiple Newsletters Available

  1. September 2010 Issue of the Journal ARCTIC
    Arctic Institute of North America

  2. OSPAR E-newsletter: Issue 4, September 2010
    OSPAR Commission

  1. September 2010 Issue of the Journal ARCTIC
    Arctic Institute of North America

The Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) announces publication of
the September 2010 issue of the journal ARCTIC, Volume 63, Number 3.
A non-profit membership organization and multidisciplinary research
institute of the University of Calgary, AINA's mandate is to advance the
study of the North American and circumpolar Arctic through the natural
and social sciences, as well as the arts and humanities, and to acquire,
preserve, and disseminate information on physical, environmental, and
social conditions in the North. Created as a binational corporation in
1945, the Institute's United States Corporation is housed at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks.

The following papers appear in the September 2010 issue of ARCTIC:

"Spider Assemblages across Elevational and Latitudinal Gradients in the
Yukon Territory, Canada"
By: J.J. Bowden and C.M. Buddle

"Wayward Youth: Trans-Beringian Movement and Differential Southward
Migration by Juvenile Sharp-tailed Sandpipers"
By: Colleen M. Handel and Robert E. Gill Jr.

"Fall and Winter Movements of Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus) in the
Chukchi Sea and Within a Potential Petroleum Development Area"
By: Lori T. Quakenbush, John J. Citta, John C. George, Robert J. Small,
and Mads Peter Heide-Jorgensen

"Breeding Bird Surveys at Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
By: Sarah A. Trefry, Bill Freedman, James M.G. Hudson, and Gregory H.R.

"Digital Photograph Analysis for Measuring Percent Plant Cover in the Arctic"
By: Zhaohua Chen, Wenjun Chen, Sylvain G. Leblanc, and Gregory H.R. Henry

"Major Cold-Season Precipitation Events at Iqaluit, Nunavut"
By: Gabrielle Gascon, Ronald E. Stewart, and William Henson

"Cross-Scale Adaptation Challenges in the Coastal Fisheries: Findings
from Lebesby, Northern Norway"
By: Jennifer J. West and Grete K. Hovelsrud

"Timing of Ice Algal Grazing by the Arctic Nearshore Benthic Amphipod
Onisimus litoralis"
By: Rolf Gradinger and Bodil Bluhm

"Breeding Arctic Terns Kill Lemmings"
By: M.L. Mallory, K.A. Boadway, J.J.T. Boadway and J.A. Akearok

The September 2010 issue also contains seven book reviews and an
obituary for Ernie Kuyt, written by Don C. Thomas.

The September 2010 InfoNorth essay, "Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated
Fishing in the Circumpolar Arctic," was prepared by AINA Research
Associate Magdalena A.K. Muir.

For information on becoming an AINA member and receiving the journal,
please visit the Institute's website at:

  1. OSPAR E-newsletter: Issue 4, September 2010
    OSPAR Commission

The OSPAR Commission announces that Issue 4 of the OSPAR e-newsletter is
available. It can be downloaded at:

Contents include:

- QSR 2010 Soon Available!;
- Communication Progress for the OSPAR Ministerial Meeting 2010;
- Ministerial Meeting of the Bonn Agreement;
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Regional Seas
Secretariat Meeting; and
- The Life of OSPAR Decisions and Recommendations (Part 1).

To download the current newsletter, or to review previous issues, please
go to: