
Multiple Contribution Requests

  1. Call for Photographs
    IASC 08/09 Yearbook
    International Arctic Science Committee

  2. Call for Contributions
    Anniversary Issue of Northern Notes
    International Arctic Social Sciences Association

  3. Call for Papers
    Polar Geography

  1. Call for Photographs
    IASC 08/09 Yearbook
    International Arctic Science Committee

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) invites submission of
images depicting all areas of arctic science. This can include
scientists in the field, animals, landscapes, everyday life, and much

IASC publishes its yearbook each spring, and approximately 1,500 copies
are widely circulated by mail and distributed at the Arctic Science
Summit Week. The graphics and photographs in the publication depend
solely on contributions from IASC council members, related institutes,
and scientists. IASC seeks new photographs for the 09/10 yearbook (to be
published in April 2011) as well as other uses including the website,
brochure, and calendar.

IASC cannot pay for copyrights, but the photographer always receives a
copy of the print by regular mail, and whenever an image is used the
photographers name and (if required) the institute he or she works for
will be cited. Images are preferred in TIF format, but JPEG is
acceptable; the resolution must be approximately 3,500 x 2,500 pixels.

Submissions should include:

- A short description about the image and background information on
the project/research;
- Location;
- Name of photographer/institute; and
- Contact information.

To submit an image, or for further information, please contact:
Mare Pit
Email: mare.pit [at]

  1. Call for Contributions
    Anniversary Issue of Northern Notes
    International Arctic Social Sciences Association

The International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) celebrates
its 20th Anniversary this year, and wants to mark this occasion with a
special anniversary issue of their newsletter "Northern Notes."

The plan is to make an informative and colorful issue with photos and
text from the twenty years of IASSA's existence. There will be
contributions from past and current IASSA councilors and presidents, but
more material is needed. Organizers are making a call for contributions,
large or small, focusing on the history and achievements of IASSA. Any
material that helps describe the past 20 years of IASSA is welcome.

The regular fall/winter issue of Northern Notes will be published as
usual, independent of the anniversary issue.

Submission deadline: Thursday, 30 September 2010.

Please send material, ideas, and photos to:
Lara Olafsdottir
Email: larao [at]

  1. Call for Papers
    Polar Geography

Polar Geography, a quarterly publication that offers a venue for
scholarly research on the physical and human aspects of the polar
regions, is issuing a call for papers.

The journal seeks to address the component interplay of the natural
systems, the complex historical, political, economic, cultural,
diplomatic, and security issues, and the interchange amongst them. As
such, the journal welcomes comparative approaches, critical scholarship,
and alternative and disparate perspectives from around the globe. The
journal offers scientists a venue for publishing longer papers such as
might result from distillation of a thesis, or review papers that place
in global context results from coordinated national and international
efforts currently underway in both polar regions. The journal also
offers a section for book reviews and invites such submissions or

To view the Aims & Scope of the journal, please go to:

Submissions should be made at the journal's ScholarOne Manuscripts site:

For further information, please contact:
Ben Hudson
Email: benjamin.hudson [at]