
Open Review
State of the Arctic Coast 2010 - Scientific Review and Outlook

Comment submission deadline: Monday, 18 October 2010

For further information and to access the draft report, go to:

The editorial team of the "State of the Arctic Coast 2010 - Scientific
Review and Outlook" report invites the community to participate in an
open review. The draft report is now available for download at: As the report is in draft format, it
should not be cited or quoted.

The report is a collaborative effort of the International Arctic Science
Committee (IASC), the Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone
(LOICZ) Project, and the International Permafrost Association (IPA). The
document was prepared by an international writing team, including 15
Lead Authors and 27 Contributing Authors. It was released during the IPY
Oslo Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010, and is now available for public
comments with the objective to publish the final version in early 2011.
The Editorial Team and Lead Authors welcome comments on the draft report
from the arctic science and stakeholder communities, including northern

The content of the report is intended to reflect results in the
published literature, with preference to peer-reviewed results and
qualified recognition of other insights from the grey literature,
ongoing research programs, and traditional knowledge. The report is not
intended to promote policy goals or approaches; instead it attempts to
provide an objective assessment of the current state of arctic coasts
and to provide background for the development of policy, with a
discussion of potential strategies to enhance circumpolar collaboration
for an integrated approach to research on arctic coastal systems.

Comment submission deadline: Monday, 18 October 2010.

A PDF version of the report, as well as further information and detailed
instructions on submitting comments, is available at: