
Three PhD Positions Available
Plant Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, and Ecological Genetics

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 15 September 2010

Three PhD students are sought for a new Swiss Science Foundation (SNF)
-funded project about the adaptation of the long-lived alpine shrub
Salix herbacea to different altitudes and habitats, and its ecological
and evolutionary responses to climate change. The project is a
collaboration between the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and
Landscape (WSL) Research in Davos, Switzerland; the Universities of
Basel, Bern, and Fribourg (all in Switzerland); and the University of
Uppsala in Sweden. The field sites are near Davos, in the Swiss Alps.

The project consists of three sub-projects (details below) that are
tightly linked through common field surveys and transplant experiments.
All positions require a MSc degree (or equivalent), fluency in English,
a driver's license, and the ability to work in an alpine environment,
sometimes independently and sometimes in a team. Previous experience
with ecological field work/experiments and statistical skills are
generally a plus.

Applicants to any position should send a letter of application
explaining your motivation, research interests, and relevant experience
as well as a curriculum vitae and contact details for at least two
references to the corresponding contact for each position. The
application deadline for all three positions is Tuesday, 15 September
2010. Starting date for the positions will be 1 January 2011, or shortly

  1. Plant Ecology
    Davos, Switzerland

This project will examine how temperature, microclimate, snow
conditions, and competition affect the growth, demography, and
physiology of Salix herbacea. This position is for a duration of three
years. The student will be supervised by Christian Rixen and Sonja Wipf
(Davos, and Gunter Hoch (Basel,

To apply, or for more information about the project, research group, or
places of work, please contact:
Christian Rixen
Email: rixen [at]

  1. Evolutionary Ecology
    Bern, Switzerland

This project will examine the heritability of plant traits, natural
selection in different habitats, and the potential evolutionary
responses of Salix herbacea to climate change. It will also study the
role of biotic interactions in constraining plant adaptation. This
position is for a duration of three years. The student will be
supervised by Mark van Kleunen and Oliver Bossdorf (Bern,

To apply, or for more information about the project, research group, or
places of work, please contact:
Mark van Kleunen
Email: vkleunen [at]

  1. Ecological Genetics
    Uppsala, Sweden

This subproject will examine variation, selection, and adaptation in
Salix herbacea at the molecular level. It will use population genomic
approaches to study associations between molecular markers/candidate
genes, ecologically important plant traits and habitat factors. In
additional the requirements listed above, this position requires
experience with genetic lab work and analysis of genetic data. This
position is for a duration of four years. The student will be supervised
by Christian Lexer (Fribourg,
and Sophie Karrenberg (Uppsala,

To apply, or for more information about the project, research group, or
places of work, please contact:
Sophie Karrenberg
Email: sophie.karrenberg [at]