
Science Plan Available
Arctic System Modeling
International Arctic Research Center

The full document is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Andrew Roberts
Email: aroberts [at]

Larry Hinzman
Email: lhinzman [at]

John E. Walsh
Email: jwalsh [at]

A science plan developed by the arctic research community for Arctic
System Modeling has been published by the International Arctic Research
Center (IARC) and is available for download at: (46 MB).

This report for the National Science Foundation is the culmination of
three science workshops and extensive community review. The lead authors
of the report wish to thank more than 160 members of the international
arctic science community who have contributed to this plan through
Arctic System Modeling workshops (Alaska 2007; Colorado 2008; Quebec
2009), submissions, and responses to conference presentations on the
concept of a community Arctic System Model (Rossby Center 2008; AGU Fall
2008; AMS Polar Science 2009; State of the Arctic 2010). The lead
authors are particularly indebted to their co-authors and reviewers for
escorting the final plan to publication.

The Arctic is experiencing changes never before seen in historic times
and the time is now right for accelerated efforts in Arctic System
Modeling to achieve a comprehensive understanding of physical,
biogeochemical, ecological, and societal interactions in the high-north.

The full document is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Andrew Roberts
Email: aroberts [at]

Larry Hinzman
Email: lhinzman [at]

John E. Walsh
Email: jwalsh [at]