
Postdoctoral Positions Available
Soil Microbial Ecology
University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California

Positions will be open until filled.

For further information, please contact:
Josh Schimel
Email: Schimel [at]
Phone: 805-893-7688

The University of California Santa Barbara seeks two postdoctoral
candidates for soil microbial ecology positions.

One position will work on a project evaluating plant-soil microbial
interactions in arctic ecosystems. Skills in soil process analysis are
required. Modeling experience is considered a plus.

The other position will be involved with a project on microbial
interactions during litter decomposition. Core skills in microbial
community analysis using DNA-based approaches are required, as is the
ability to link these measurements to ecological processes.

The positions will be open until filled.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and list of
references to:

Josh Schimel
Email: Schimel [at]
Phone: 805-893-7688