
Request for Input
U.S. 5-year Science Plan Draft
Ice Drilling Program Office (IDPO)

Please send reviews and edits no later than Monday, 8 June 2009.

To review the science plan, please go to:

For further information and to submit recommendations and edits, please
email the team at: IceDrill [at]

The Ice Drilling Program Office (IDPO) seeks input on the 5-year Science
Plan for the U.S. Ice Drilling Research Community. Each year, the IDPO
works with the IDPO Senior Advisory Board, the research community, and
their reports to update the plan. The plan articulates the science
driving the planning of U.S. drill development and maintenance. A draft
version of the current U.S. 5-year Science Plan outlining ice drilling
and coring research has been posted to the website at:

The IDPO requests that the community review the draft plan, and offer
edits and recommendations by Monday, 8 June 2009. Recommended edits
should be sent to: IceDrill [at]

For further information and to review the science plan, please go to: