
Research Scientist Position Available
Petroleum Geochemist
Natural Resources Canada
Calgary Division of the Geological Survey of Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Application Deadline: Friday, 30 January 2009

For further information, please search for job reference number
RSN08J-009279-000047 at:

Natural Resources Canada is seeking to fill the indeterminate (i.e., permanent)
Research Scientist position, Petroleum Geochemist, at the Calgary Division
of the Geological Survey of Canada.

The Petroleum Geochemist works to contribute key scientific research
regarding the organic geochemistry and petroleum geology of Canadian
petroleum systems and sedimentary basins, as part of a scientific and
technical team in one of world's leading organic geochemical and organic
petrographical laboratories situated at the Geological Survey of
Canada-Calgary, a division within the federal Department of Natural
Resources Canada (NRCan). This position contributes primarily to Energy
Business Line Programs. Key research topics will address arctic and
frontier petroleum systems and petroleum geology as part of the
Geomapping for Energy and Minerals initiative

Candidates with appropriate geochemical education should demonstrate
experience, knowledge and ability for innovation, productivity,
recognition and impact through the provision and interpretation of
molecular and isotopic compositional data from rocks, petroleum,
bitumen, and kerogen, including biomarker analysis. Personal
characteristics that facilitate innovation, productivity, and impact in
a multidisciplinary research team composed of technicians, physical
scientists, and research scientists is highly desirable.

Applications for this position must be submitted prior to 23:59 Pacific
Time, Friday 30 January 2009.

For further information, please search for posting number
RSN08J-009279-000047 at: