
Graduate Student Opportunities Available
Atmospheric Sciences
The Geophysical Institute (GI), International Arctic Research Center
(IARC), and the College of Natural Science and Mathematics (CNSM)
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Positions open until filled.

For further information, please contact:
Nicole Molders
Email: molders [at]

The Geophysical Institute (GI), International Arctic Research Center
(IARC), and the College of Natural Science and Mathematics (CNSM) at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks (America's Arctic University) are still
accepting applications for two graduate research assistantships and one
teaching assistantship in the Atmospheric Sciences for the spring
semester 2009.

The Department of Atmospheric Sciences seeks highly qualified PhD or MS
applicants interested in pursing research in aeronomy, remote sensing,
cloud physics, climatology, and chemistry transport, mesoscale or
climate modeling. Applicants should have strong backgrounds in
mathematics, physics and the atmospheric sciences or related fields.

The Department of Atmospheric Sciences has been ranked 9th in 2005 and
8th in 2006 by Academic Analytics for scholarly productivity in
Atmospheric Science and Meteorology. It is multi-disciplinary, with
research covering a wide range of themes that are of interest to society
with an emphasis on arctic processes. Opportunities to learn
cutting-edge computer modeling techniques and to participate in exciting
field experiments exist. Students have access to the Arctic Region
Supercomputing Center (ARSC), and observational networks. As many of the
research activities are carried out in close cooperation with scientists
all over the world, graduate students can gain international experience.

For further information on our Department of Atmospheric Science
interested students are encouraged to visit our web-page General queries may be directed to the
department chair:
Nicole Molders
Email: molders [at]

For information on special research topics contact the respective

General admission information is available from:
Barbara Day
Email: atmos [at]
Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
903 Koyukuk Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320

Or online at: