
Abstract Submission Deadline Extended and
Student Registration Fee Now Available
"Park Science in the Arctic"
2008 Alaska Park Science Symposium and
Beringia Days 2008 International Conference
14-16 October 2008
Fairbanks, Alaska

Extended Deadline: Friday, 10 October 2008

To submit an abstract, please go to:

The organizing committee for the 2008 Alaska Park Science Symposium and
Beringia Days 2008 is still accepting poster abstracts for the upcoming
meeting, "Park Science in the Arctic," to be held 14-16 October, in
Fairbanks, Alaska. The poster session will be held Tuesday, 14 October
2008. Please submit your poster abstract by Friday, 10 October at:

The symposium, a three-day meeting with two concurrent sessions each
day, is focused on the theme "Natural and Cultural Heritage of Greater
Beringia." Registration is available online or at the registration desk
during the first day of the symposium. Please note that all
participants, including National Park Service (NPS) members and
presenters, must register and pay the conference fee.

A special, one-day, student registration fee of $30 is now available.

To register please go to:

To view the updated agenda go to:

For further information about the conference please go to:

Or contact:
Lois Dalle-Molle
Phone: 907-455-0635
Email: lois_dalle-molle [at]

Robert A. Winfree
Phone: 907-644-3516
Email: robert_winfree [at]