
Archaeological Field School Announcement
Gerstle River, Alaska
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Course Begins: Monday, 19 May 2008

For more information, please go to:

Or contact:
Ben Potter
Phone: (907) 474-7567
Email: ffbap3 [at]

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) will offer an archaeological
field school during summer 2008 at Gerstle River, in central Alaska.
Gerstle River is a buried, well-stratified, 8-component site dating
between 12,000-3800 years ago. Over the last several years,
archaeologists have excavated over 10,000 lithic artifacts (including
microcores, microblades, and projectile points), multiple wapiti and
bison individuals, and several buried hearths. The 2008 excavation will
include a block excavation focused on expanding activity areas already
excavated. Students will gain experience in feature and faunal
excavation and conservation, as well as profiling, mapping.

The field school will take place 19 May-21 June 2008. Enrollment for
undergraduate or graduate credit is available.

Enrollment requires instructor permission; please contact Ben Potter to
Phone: (907) 474-7567
Email: ffbap3 [at]

For further information about the course, please go to: