
K-12 Teacher Professional Development Opportunity
"Climate Change in Alaskan Estuaries: A Field and Laboratory Course"
Marine Science for K-12 Teachers, MSL 495/695, cross listed ATM 495/695
University of Alaska Fairbanks and University of Alaska Anchorage
Seldovia/ Kasitsna Bay Laboratory, Alaska
22-27 June 2008

Registration Now Open

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Susan Sugai
Email: susan.sugai [at]

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the University of Alaska
Anchorage (UAA) announce a one-credit lecture, field, and laboratory
course on climate change in Alaska's estuaries and coastal areas to be
held at the Kasitsna Bay Laboratory near Seldovia, Alaska from 22-27
June 2008. This course is designed for K-12 teachers, especially those
working in coastal Alaskan communities.

Lectures will provide an introduction to climate change influences
(physical, chemical, and biological) on Alaskan estuarine environments.
All students will participate in small field and laboratory groups.
Field studies will include demonstrating the processes and ecosystem
components undergoing climate-related changes, and designing
community-based monitoring programs. Laboratory components include
accessing historical climate data and using models to compare expected
change with recently observed changes. Students will be encouraged to
design either a regional field or model application project appropriate
to where the student teaches or lives. The course will be taught
collaboratively by: John Walsh, UAF, President's Professor of Climate
Change, David Atkinson, International Arctic Research Center, Reid
Brewer, Alaska Sea Grant, Marine Advisory Program, and Susan Sugai,
Center for Global Change and Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research

Tuition for the course will include university registration (either UAF
or UAA), fees and materials, and room, board, and insurance fees
totaling about $500, dependent on enrollment. Students will pay
approximately $75 for transportation between Homer and the Kasitsna Bay
Laboratory. Modest financial support may be available to help a very
small number of students.

Participants are required to register through University of Alaska
Fairbanks Summer Sessions ( Early
registration is encouraged, as the class may be canceled for
insufficient student enrollment.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Susan Sugai
Email: susan.sugai [at]