
Call for National Medal of Science Nominations
National Science Foundation

Application Deadline: Friday, 7 December 2007

For further information, please go to:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is accepting nominations for the
National Medal of Science until Friday, 7 December 2007. Established by
Congress in 1959, the National Medal of Science is the nation's highest
honor for American scientists and engineers presented annually by the
President of the United States.

The National Medal of Science is presented to individuals deserving of
special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to
knowledge in the biological, engineering, mathematical, physical or
social and behavioral sciences. The selection process is managed by NSF.

Since its establishment, the National Medal of Science has been awarded
to 441 distinguished scientists and engineers whose careers spanned
decades of research and development. The laureates have made major
impacts in fields of science and engineering through career-long,
ground-breaking achievements in the disciplines for which the awards are
given. The medal also recognizes contributions to innovation, industry
or education.

Eligible candidates must be living U.S. citizens or permanent residents
who have applied for citizenship within the past 12 months. NSF
encourages diverse, high quality nominations for the 2008 Medals. More
detailed eligibility criteria and the nomination guidelines are
available at:

Media Contact:
Lisa-Joy Zgorski
Phone: 703-292-8311
E-mail: lisajoy [at]

Program Contact:
Mayra N. Montrose
Phone: 703-292-4757
E-mail: mmontros [at]