
Deadline Reminder
Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI)
National Science Foundation

Letter of Intent Deadline: Friday, 30 November 2007

The solicitation is available at:

The deadline for letters of intent (LOI) for the National Science
Foundation's Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) solicitation
is Friday, 30 November 2007. The "Cross Directorate LOI" Primary,
Secondary, and Tertiary Organization selections are required for LOI
submission. These three organizations are the administrative recipients
of all CDI proposals regardless of scientific scope. All three Cross
Directorate LOI selections are required.

An LOI cannot be edited or withdrawn after submission. Anyone wishing to
make changes or corrections to a submitted LOI should submit the
revision as a new LOI, which will be assigned a new number, and also
send a message to: cdi [at], with the number of the original LOI
stating it is to be ignored.

The CDI initiative will create revolutionary science and engineering
research outcomes made possible by innovations and advances in
computational thinking. Computational thinking is defined
comprehensively to encompass computational concepts, methods, models,
algorithms, and tools. Applied in challenging science and engineering
research and education contexts, computational thinking promises a
profound impact on the nation's ability to generate and apply new
knowledge. Collectively, CDI research outcomes are expected to produce
paradigm shifts in our understanding of a wide range of science and
engineering phenomena and socio-technical innovations that create new
wealth and enhance the national quality of life.

Complete solicitation information, including thematic areas and proposal
deadlines, is available at: