
Session Announcement and Call for Papers
Carbon and Water Cycles in the Changing Arctic: Past, Present, and
2008 Association of American Geographers Spring Meeting
15-19 April 2008
Boston, Massachusetts

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 26 October 2007

For further information, please go to:

Papers are invited for "Carbon and Water Cycles in the Changing Arctic:
Past, Present, and Future," a session to be convened at the 2008
Association of American Geographers (AAG) Spring Meeting on 15-19 April
2008, in Boston, Massachusetts.

The Arctic is undergoing significant environmental change in response to
increased climate forcing and other natural and anthropogenic
influences. Arctic regions are warming faster than the global average,
observed changes in cryospheric, terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric
systems are widespread, and global climate models forecast continued
amplification of systemic change. In particular, large reservoirs and
important fluxes of carbon and water at high northern latitudes are
strongly interconnected, highly sensitive, and often poorly understood.
A deeper understanding of these cycles, their magnitude, and their
processes and controls is required for improved prediction and
management of future arctic change. Session organizers invite
presentations on research from across the Arctic, spanning the multiple
scales and approaches pertinent to the cycling of arctic carbon and
water from remote sensing to paleoscience to site-level experiments to
regional and pan-Arctic modeling. Organizers particularly invite
presentations on research associated with the current International
Polar Year.

The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, 26 October 2007, which
is five days prior to the AAG paper deadline. Authors should
electronically submit an abstract by following the abstract guidelines
for a paper submission, which can be found at:

After the abstract has been electronically submitted to the AAG, each
participant is requested to forward a copy of the abstract and its
associated Presenter Identification Number (PIN) (provided by the AAG
upon the successful receipt of the abstract) to:
Tamlin Pavelsky
UCLA Department of Geography
E-mail: pavelsky [at]

Dave Beilman
Queen's University, Belfast, UK
E-mail: d.beilman [at]