
Conference Announcement
Living with Climate Change: Are There Limits to Adaptation?
7-8 February 2008
London, UK

For further information, please go to:

The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and the University of
Oslo, with the support of the Global Environmental Change and Human
Security (GECHS) project, announce "Living with Climate Change: Are
There Limits to Adaptation?" an international conference to be held 7-8
February 2008 at the Royal Geographical Society in London.

The overall objective of this conference is to consider strategies for
adapting to climate change, in particular to explore the potential
barriers that may limit the adaptation ability of societies and to
identify opportunities for overcoming these barriers. The conference is
aimed at researchers and practitioners with an interest in understanding
how societies adapt to climate change.

The conference will explore the following themes:
- Adapting to thresholds in physical and ecological systems;
- The role of values and culture in adaptation; and
- Governance, knowledge, and technologies for adaptation.

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Vanessa McGregor
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
E-mail: adaptation2008 [at]