
New Website Available
Best Practices Guide for AUV Polar Operations
Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources (ECOR) Specialist Panel on
Underwater Vehicles

The website is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Maxine von Eye
E-mail: M.J.E.v.Eye [at]

The Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources (ECOR) Specialist Panel
on Underwater Vehicles has taken on the task of preparing a Best
Practices document for polar AUV operations in the form of a new
website. The website includes an expanding archive in the field of polar
AUV research and a wiki where members can contribute to the content of
the site. Funded by Collaborative Autosub Science in Extreme
Environments (CASEE), the website is intended for everyone from
experienced to new AUV users, from AUV manufacturers to scientists, and
the public at large. The website is a living document open to everyone
and will expand as information is added on the wiki.

The Best Practices Guide for AUV Polar Operations and other AUV-related
information is available at: