
PhD Position Available
"Plant Dispersal and Establishment In the Arctic"
Department of Biology
University Centre in Svalbard
Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway

Application Deadline: Thursday, 24 May 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Inger Greve Alsos
Phone: +47-79-02-33-17
E-mail: inger.alsos [at]

or contact:
Elisabeth Cooper
Phone: +47-79-02-33-43
E-mail: elisabeth.cooper [at]

The Department of Biology at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS),
Norway, invites applications for a PhD position in botany as part of the
project, "Plant dispersal and establishment in the Arctic."

A major source of uncertainty in predicting future plant diversity is
the ability of species to follow the northward movement of their
climatic habitats. Recent DNA data show that dispersal to Svalbard has
been frequent in the past and indicates that climatic requirements for
establishment may limit plant distribution more than dispersal itself.
Future dispersal to the high Arctic may be even more frequent as
increased human traffic potentially spreads plants from other regions.
The project will use and further develop novel DNA-based approaches to
determine source areas and dispersal rates of plants and will also
examine the possible dispersal vectors (wind, sea ice, bird, and human).
Field and lab experiments will be conducted to assess the limitations of
establishment in the high Arctic. The data obtained will form a basis
for improved modeling of future species and ecosystem distributions
under warmer climates and thus aid management planning for the changing
Arctic. Applicants are invited to outline a project where dispersal to
and establishment in the high Arctic is addressed.

To apply, please submit a curriculum vitae and copy of academic records
by Thursday, 24 May 2007, to:
E-mail: post [at]