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Summer Courses in Denali National Park and Preserve
Murie Science and Learning Center

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The Murie Science and Learning Center, in cooperation with the National
Park Service, announces its summer courses exploring the vast ecosystems
and vibrant cultures of the far north. Classes are small, but the
classrooms are grand--the mountains, forests, and tundra of Denali
National Park and Preserve.

Most field seminars and teacher trainings are based out of the Murie
Science and Learning Center Field Camp, which is located 34 miles inside
the Park. The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) offers one
professional development credit for each course.

The 2006 Murie Science and Learning Center field seminars include:
- Denali Fault and Nenana Canyon: A Geology Exploration
- High Country Wildflowers
- High Country Wildflowers: A Closer Look
- Ecology of Birds
- The Science of Fly-Fishing
- Denali's Wildlife Research
- Art Design in Denali
- Family Field Seminar
- Searching for Denali's Dinosaurs
- Denali Field Journaling
- Bears of Denali - Wilderness Writing - Geology of Denali
- Wolves of Denali
- Ecology of Denali's Rivers and Streams

The 2006 Murie Science and Learning Center teacher trainings include:
- Using I-Movie to Capture Interest in Science
- Science Writing in the Heart of Denali
- Denali Dinosaurs
- Connecting Natural History and Test-Taking

For further information or to register, please go to:

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