
New Book Available Soon
The Arctic Climate System
Part of the Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series
By: Mark C. Serreze and Roger G. Barry
ISBN-10: 0521814189, ISBN-13: 9780521814188
Price: $130 USD

For further information or to preorder the book, please go to:

The Arctic can be viewed as an integrated system, characterized by
intimate couplings between its atmosphere, ocean, and land, linked in
turn to the larger global system. This comprehensive, up-to-date
assessment begins with an outline of early arctic exploration and the
growth of modern research. Using an integrated systems approach,
subsequent chapters examine the atmospheric heat budget and circulation,
the surface energy budget, the hydrologic cycle, and interactions
between the ocean, atmosphere, and sea ice cover. Reviews of recent
directions in numerical modeling and the characteristics of past arctic
climates set the stage for detailed discussion of recent climate
variability and trends and projected future states. Throughout the text,
satellite remote sensing data and results from recent major field
programs are used to illustrate key processes. The Arctic Climate System
provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the subject for
researchers and advanced students in a wide range of disciplines.