
Call for Peer Reviewer Nominations
Assessment of Effects and Potential Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in
the Arctic
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP)

Nomination Deadline: Tuesday, 1 November 2005

Further information is available at:" target="new"

The Arctic Council's Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP)
Working Group has been preparing an Assessment of Effects and Potential
Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic. This ambitious
assessment is looking at oil and gas activities in the Arctic-past,
present, and future; social and economic effects; sources, inputs, and
concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons, PAHs, and other contaminants
related to oil and gas activities in the Arctic; effects on biota and
human health; and status and vulnerability of arctic ecosystems. The
delivery date is approximately Autumn 2006.

The Assessment Steering Committee and AMAP are soliciting nominations
for international peer reviewers for the final draft version of the
assessment. It is anticipated that the document will be sent out for
international peer review in early February 2006 with approximately one
month for review. The peer review process will be transparent, and the
responses to the comments received will be documented by the lead

The Assessment Steering Committee and AMAP ask for nominations of
individuals that have not been involved in the preparation of the
assessment and request a brief CV or statement of qualifications. You
may nominate experts for selected topics or chapters. You may nominate
yourself. Some reviewers will also be selected to review the whole
assessment for completeness and consistence across all chapters.
In choosing the experts to review the assessment, the Assessment
Steering Committee will take into account their expertise and the
breadth of topics covered in each chapter.

Send nominations to the AMAP Secretariat by Tuesday, 1 November 2005:

Oil and Gas Assessment Review
Attention: Inger Utne
Administrative Assistant
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Secretariat
Stromsveien 96
P.O. Box 8100 Dep.
N-0032 Oslo

Phone: +47 23 24 16 35 (direct), +47 23 24 16 30
Fax: +47 22 67 67 06
E-mail: inger.utne [at]