
Opportunity to Participate in Arctic Icebreaker Expedition
Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snowpack (OASIS)

For further information on the OASIS program, please go to:

While it is clear that there are dramatic changes occurring in the
Arctic, interactions between the air and surfaces are not understood.
The Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snowpack (OASIS) program was created to
address these knowledge gaps and coordinate studies of arctic
atmosphere-surface interactions and associated feedbacks to the climate
system. OASIS is an international multi-disciplinary program with a
strong commitment to coordinating activities with other research
projects. OASIS is linked to a number of international organizations and
activities, including AMAP, and the IGBP programs IGAC under the AICI
(Air Ice Chemical Interactions) activity, and SOLAS (Surface Ocean Lower
Atmosphere Study).
The OASIS-IPY program has been endorsed by the IPY Joint Committee as an
IPY project. The IPY-OASIS project will take place between the summers
of 2007 and 2008. Organizers are currently in the process of securing
the icebreaker m/v Antarctica as a research platform for this time
period. It is expected that the main research activities will be
conducted from this ship and connected ice camps. Project organizers
intend to freeze-in the ship in the transition between the pack ice and
the seasonal ice and allow it to drift with this zone.

The OASIS program offers research space and berths on board of the m/v
Antarctica to interested projects and parties.

Though this project is not yet funded, part of this solicitation is to
determine the total financial effort and potential collaborators.

If you are interested in participating in this arctic expedition, please
fill out an "Expression of Interest" available online at:

Send this form to the OASIS coordinator:
Harry Beine
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Institute of Atmospheric Pollution
E-mail: harry [at]