
Data Available Online
Zackenberg Basic Monitoring Program in Northeast Greenland

The data is available at:

Data from Zackenberg Basic in Northeast Greenland is available online.

The monitoring program "Zackenberg Basic" has for nearly ten years
generated long-term monitoring data related to the marine and
terrestrial high arctic ecosystems at Zackenberg (74°30'N / 21°00'W) in
Northeast Greenland. As such, the monitoring at Zackenberg is, at the
moment, the most extensive monitoring program in the arctic comprising
ecosystem data from a well-defined high arctic ecosystem consisting of a
drainage basin of c. 520 km2 and a fiord system in the central part of
the very remote Northeast Greenland. The Zackenberg database consists of
data from the four sub-programs to Zackenberg Basic, i.e., ClimateBasic,
GeoBasic, BioBasic, and MarineBasic.

Now data from the ClimateBasic, GeoBasic, and BioBasic programs have
been organized and structured to make them available through a common
internet interface - the Zackenberg Database website. The database
currently contains close to 100 datasets covering the period
1995-2004. All these data are now available without any charge to the
public for download.

Dataset descriptions, previews, x-y plots, and detailed info about all
variables can also be viewed at the website together with manuals
indicating how the data were collected.

The website is available at:

In depth information on Zackenberg Basic is available in the Annual
Reports for Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations and in the manuals
for the different sub-programs, ClimateBasic, GeoBasic, BioBasic, and
MarineBasic, to Zackenberg Basic. Both series of publications are
available as PDF-files on the Zackenberg homepage:

For more information, please contact:
Peter Mikkelsen
National Environmental Research Institute
Department of Arctic Environment
Frederiksborgvej 399
E-mail: pmi [at]

or contact:
Morten Rasch
Danish Polar Center
Strandgade 100H
DK-1401 Copenhagen K
E-mail: mr [at]