
Faculty Positions Available
University Centre in Svalbard
Svalbard, Norway

The application deadline for these positions is Tuesday, 10 May 2005

Further vacancy information is available at:

Inquiries about all positions may be directed to:
Director Lasse Lonnum
Phone: + 47 7902 3305
E-mail: lasse.lonnum [at]

The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), a state-owned limited company,
currently has three vacant faculty positions:

The Department of Arctic Geophysics invites applications for a faculty
position in snow and ice physics. The successful applicant will be
expected to pursue research in physical processes of snow and ice, and
air-ice-sea interactions. The teaching associated with this position
includes responsibility for "Snow and Ice Processes", as well as
teaching in "Air-Ice-Sea Interaction I" and other undergraduate and
graduate courses offered at UNIS. An important part of the teaching load
is supervision of Master and Ph.D. students in field based projects. The
position will be offered to the best candidate in terms of quality of
research, as well as teaching competence. The candidates must further
fit into the department's long-term strategy of building an active
research group and projects by combining meteorology, oceanography, and
space physics (remote sensing).

Inquiries about this position may be directed to:
Associate Professor Frank Nilsen
Phone: + 47 7902 3338
E-mail: frank.nilsen [at]

Associate Professor Anna Sjoblom
Phone: + 47 7902 3339
E-mail: anna.sjoblom [at]

The Department of Arctic Geology invites applications for a faculty
position in glaciology/glacial geomorphology. The research focus is on
glacial and periglacial geomorphology, glaciology, and climate change.
The work involves understanding linkages between glaciers, permafrost,
periglacial landforms, climate, meteorology, and hydrology in the
high-arctic landscape of Svalbard, by emphasizing field studies on
modern processes and palaeo-environmental reconstruction of late
Holocene periglacial and glacial environments. It is expected that the
successful candidate will carry out active, productive research in
her/his field of specialization, teach at the graduate and undergraduate
levels, supervise M.Sc. and Ph.D. students and will actively be involved
in both research and teaching at the department including development of
new courses.

Inquiries about this position may be directed to:
Associate Professor Hanne H. Christiansen
Phone: + 47 79 02 33 20
E-mail: hanne.christiansen [at]

The Department of Arctic Technology invites applications for a faculty
position in Engineering Hydrology. Applicants should have general
background in engineering hydrology, preferably in cold regions
applications. Special emphasis will be put on engineering skills that
are applicable to challenges related to research and development of
infrastructure in Svalbard and/or the Barents Sea. The successful
applicant will work in close collaboration with colleagues at UNIS over
a broad field comprising atmosphere/meteorology, climate, soil processes
(i.e. active layer/permafrost), water and energy balance, snow cover
properties, water supply, -treatment and -chemistry, sewage treatment,
flooding, glacier hydrology, sediment transport, and erosion.

Inquiries about this position may be directed to:
Adjunct Professor Jan-Gunnar Winther
Phone: + 47 7775 0530
E-mail: winther [at]

Professor Lars Grande
Phone: + 47 7902 3352
E-mail: lars.grande [at]

To apply for these positions, applicants must submit three copies of:
- curriculum vitae (including a full list of publications and previously
held grants);
- education, pedagogic, or teaching certificates (including a list of
previously supervised graduate students, where applicable); and
- five publications (authored or co-authored by the candidate) that you
would like evaluated for consideration for appointment to this position.

Please note that the hiring committee could ask for further
documentation or copies of parts or the complete scientific production
described by the applicants.

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 10 May 2005

Send applications to:
The University Centre in Svalbard
P.O. Box 156
N-9171 Longyearbyen

Further vacancy information is available at: