
Database Available Online
Yukon Biodiversity
Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS)
Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary

The database is available online at:

The Yukon Biodiversity Database, which describes more than 4200
publications and research projects about the biology of Yukon and the
Beaufort Sea, is now available at:

The database was created for the Yukon Biodiversity Working Group by the
Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS) at the Arctic
Institute of North America, University of Calgary. Funding for the
database is provided by Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. and the Yukon
government's Development Assessment Process Branch.

The Yukon Biodiversity Database includes all aspects of all living
things except humans. It includes the environmental impacts of human
activities, and non-human palaeontology. Publications of all types,
including grey literature, are included. The database's coverage of
research projects is based on information from Yukon-Canada Scientists
and Explorers Act Licenses issued since 1982.

The Yukon Biodiversity Database is not yet comprehensive. Its coverage
of publications includes coverage already provided by the ASTIS
database, plus the results of efforts by the Yukon Biodiversity Working
Group since the spring of 2004 to identify and fill high-priority gaps.
Our goal is to continue filling gaps and make the database more
comprehensive over a period of several years.

Suggestions for improvements to the Yukon Biodiversity Database are

For further information or to make suggestions, please contact:
Ross Goodwin
Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS)
Arctic Institute of North America
University of Calgary
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4

Phone: 403-220-4036
Fax: 403-282-4609
E-Mail: rgoodwin [at]