
Online Workshop Available
"Climate Change and Environmental Assessment"
24-28 January 2005

To register for the workshop, please contact:
John Streicker, C-CIARN North Manager
E-mail: jstreick [at]

Background information is available at:

The North Region of the Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research
Network (C-CIARN North) announces another in its series of online
workshops - "Climate Change and Environmental Assessment."

Please go online during the week of 24-28 January 2005 to discuss issues
related to climate change and environmental assessment:

The effects of global climate change are increasingly apparent in the
- How can we accommodate those and future effects when assessing the
impacts of development projects?
- What tools are available to help us?
- Can we help each other?

As with C-CIARN North's previous online workshops, the discussion will
take place on a forum provided by the Canadian Polar Information Network
(CPIN), the web service of the Canadian Polar Commission.

Background information is available at: