
Comments requested on AGU Cryosphere Index Terms

The existing index terms may be viewed at:

Please send suggestions to:
Larry Hinzman (ffldh [at]

Dear Arctic Info Subscribers,

I am serving on the AGU Index Committee as the Cryosphere
representative. Our job is to review and update the index terms used in
AGU's publications and meetings. We will be finalizing our revised set
of index terms at the Fall, 2003 AGU meeting in San Francisco. AGU would
like to begin using the new set of terms by the end of the year. In
order to meet this deadline, I must compile a proposed list of terms
related to the cryosphere by early October. I ask for your assistance to
address the usefulness of the index terms in our cold regions
disciplines. Some of the questions to consider are: Are there too many
terms? Are some terms outdated? Can some terms be dropped? Should new
terms be added to reflect changes in your field? Is the coverage by
index terms in your area too coarse? Too fine? (i.e. their
"granularity") I will need justification for every change, so please
provide brief text explaining your suggested change.

The existing terms may be viewed at:

To help me compile all suggestions, please send a message to Larry
Hinzman (ffldh [at] and include "AGU Index Terms - Cryosphere" as
the subject.

We need contributions from a broad cross-section of the community to
ensure an creation of adequate list of terms. Please take some time to
look at the existing list and identify any deficiencies, redundancies,
or inconsistencies. Your suggestions for criteria for selecting new
index terms would also be most welcome.

Thank you for your help in this effort.

Larry Hinzman
Email: ffldh [at]