
To register for the First International Congress on Marine Science
and Technology to be held in Pontevedra, Spain, or for more
information, go to:

First International Congress on Marine Science and Technology
24-27 April 2001
Pontevedra, Spain

The Chairman of the Scientific Committee of OCEANS III MILLENNIUM, on
behalf of the Sponsoring Institutions, invites you to participate in and
attend the First International Congress on Marine Science and
Technology, which will be held on 24, 25, 26, and 27 April 2001 in the
Conference Centre (Palacio de Congresos) of Pontevedra (Spain).

Scientists, technologists, and other specialists related to the marine
environment will meet on the above days with a view to exchanging
information and experiences relating to the coastline and the end of the
continental margin and the use made of it by man.

In this multi-disciplinary congress, prestigious specialists will give
Magisterial Conferences on the main areas of "coastal oceanology".

Any expert in the field of marine sciences and technology who carries
out research or develops techniques relating to the coastline and the
end of the continental margin of the oceans is welcome to present a
paper as indeed are politicians, jurists, administrators and, in
general, any scholar of the above-mentioned ocean environment. We
particularly invite young researchers and essayists to participate in

The Iberoamerican Foundation for the Promotion of the Culture and
Science of the Sea (Fundación Iberoamericana para el Fomento de la
Cultura y Ciencias del Mar) organises the Premio del Mar (Sea Award) as
a stimulus to oceanic research and development. The rules of this
competition will be explained during the congress.

While OCEANS III MILLENNIUM is being held, a number of institutions and
firms will be presenting themselves at a Trade Fair taking place from
24-27 April in the pavilion attached to the Conference Centre.

Thanks to the courtesy and sponsorship of transport companies and hotels
the participants will be able to benefit from exceptionally low prices
at this fair.


31 JANUARY 2001
Final date for presenting Free Papers. Registration fee changes.

5 MARCH 2001
Final date for confirmation to authors of assessment of papers

31st MARCH 2001
Final date for registrations. (After this date registrations will only
be accepted at the Congress Head Office). Final date for booking
accommodation, social activities and excursions. (After this date
bookings will only be accepted at the Congress Head Office).


This secretariat will be available to all participants and will deal
with general information queries, mailed registrations and papers,
accommodation bookings, reservations for tourism activities, etc.,
until 31 March 2001.

C/ San Bernardo, 20
28015 Madrid (Spain)
Tel.: 34/91/531 94 49 - Fax: 34/91/532 45 43
E-mail: [at]