
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Ice-Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level Workshop
    14 July 2012
    Portland, Oregon

  2. LINK CORRECTION: Symposium Announcement
    Responses of Arctic Marine Ecosystems to Climate Change
    26-29 March 2013
    Anchorage, Alaska

  3. Session Announcement and Call for Papers
    Culture, Power, and Policy in the New Europe: Refocusing the
    Anthropological Purview
    American Anthropological Association
    14-18 November 2012
    San Francisco, California

  1. Ice-Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level Workshop
    14 July 2012
    Portland, Oregon

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), the International
Arctic Science Committee (IASC), and the World Climate Research
Programme (WCRP) are pleased to announce the kick-off workshop of the
renewed Ice-Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level (ISMASS) expert group. It
will be held 14 July 2012 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Portland,

The goals of ISMASS are to promote research on the estimation of
ice-sheet mass balance and its contribution to sea-level change, to
facilitate co-ordination among the different international efforts
focused on this field of research, to propose directions for future
research in this area, to integrate observations and modeling efforts as
well as the distribution and archiving of the corresponding data, to
attract a new generation of scientists into this field of research, and
to contribute to the dissemination to society and policymakers of the
current knowledge and the main achievements in this field of science.

The ISMASS 2012 Workshop is free to all registered participants. A
limited amount of travel support is available. Preference will be given
to early career scientists and researchers from developing countries.
Visit the website for details on how to apply (deadline 1 April).

Travel support deadline: 1 April 2012.
Registration deadline: 31 May 2012.

For further information, including specific aims of the workshop,
details on applying for travel support, and registration, please go to:

For questions, please email:
ismass2012 [at]

  1. LINK CORRECTION: Symposium Announcement
    Responses of Arctic Marine Ecosystems to Climate Change
    26-29 March 2013
    Anchorage, Alaska

Alaska Sea Grant and other sponsors will hold a 3.5-day Wakefield
Fisheries Symposium, to advance understanding of present and future
responses of arctic marine ecosystems to climate change at all trophic
levels. The symposium will be held 26-29 March 2013 in Anchorage, Alaska
at the Hotel Captain Cook.

All keynotes and 20-minute contributed talks will be presented in
plenary sessions. A call for abstracts will be released soon for oral
and poster contributions. Organizers encourage contributions that focus
on collaborative approaches to understanding and managing living marine
resources in a changing Arctic and to managing human responses--locally,
regionally, and globally--to changing arctic marine ecosystems.

Session topics include:

- Observed and anticipated environmental changes in the Arctic;
- Lower trophic level productivity of arctic waters in a changing
- Marine fish resources of the Arctic in a changing climate;
- Observed and anticipated responses of arctic birds and marine
mammals to environmental changes in the Arctic;
- Effects of changing arctic marine ecosystems on humans; and
- Understanding and managing arctic marine ecosystems in a time of

For more information please see:

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Papers
    Culture, Power, and Policy in the New Europe: Refocusing the
    Anthropological Purview
    American Anthropological Association
    14-18 November 2012
    San Francisco, California

Organizers of a volunteered session entitled "Culture, Power, and Policy
in the New Europe: Refocusing the Anthropological Purview" announce a
call for papers. The session will be convened at the American
Anthropological Association Annual Meeting scheduled 14-18 November 2012
in San Francisco, California. Organizers are specifically looking to
include perspectives from Northern researchers.

At a time when European integration faces many challenges and hurdles in
the form of financial, economic, democratic, and political crises, the
efficacy of public policies that are decided in Brussels and in member
state capitals for managing the everyday lives of average Europeans
acquires dramatic importance and demands scrutiny. The power of the EU,
and its pervasiveness in the lives of peoples and states in Europe, has
often been taken for granted as a normative phenomenon by scholars
investigating European integration from within anthropology and cognate
disciplines. This session will query how, and to what extent, the
normative power of the EU reaches into everyday life, and in doing so,
will illuminate those moments when power is perhaps more relative than
it at first appears.

Organizers welcome paper proposals that address issues of culture,
power, and policy from different vantage points, such as those which
engage the drafting, negotiation, and implementation of policies that
are created by the European Union, by member state governments and by
local authorities at different scales of governing; those that focus on
citizen and non-citizen responses to those policies; or those which
consider and/or gauge consequences and effects of policies that are
manifested in everyday life. Papers that expand the anthropological
purview on policy or those that take a comparative outlook on public
policies in various areas in Europe are also welcome. This session will
contribute to the bourgeoning scholarship on the anthropology of
European integration and policymaking from the perspectives of
reconfigurations and reevaluations of culture and power in the new

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 16 March 2012.

To read the complete session description, please go to:

Anyone interested in presenting should send an abstract of no more than
250 words to:
Bilge Firat
Email: bfirat [at]

Bill Pavlovich
Email: pavlovich [at]

James Verinis
Email: jverini1 [at]

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