
Call for Nominations
The Mohn Prize for Outstanding Research Related to the Arctic

Nomination deadline: 15 September 2017

For more information about the Mohn Prize and to submit a nomination, go to:

For questions, contact organizers at:
Email: info [at]

Organizers invite nominations for the International Mohn Prize for Outstanding Research Related to the Arctic (The Mohn Prize). This award was established is to recognize excellence in research related to the Arctic. The prize aims to highlight issues that are of particular relevance to the future development of the Arctic and help put these issues on the national and international agenda.

The Mohn Prize has been established in collaboration by Academia Borealis - The Academy of Sciences and Letters of Northern Norway, Tromso Research Foundation, and University of Tromso - The Arctic University of Norway (UiT).

Nominations can be submitted for individuals or research groups who hold a leading international position in their field, are widely recognized as leaders in their field, and have developed groundbreaking new knowledge about the Arctic.

The nomination process is open to anyone. Nominations are confidential and should not be made known to the nominee.

Self-nominations will not be accepted and the prize cannot be awarded post mortem.

For the nomination of an individual, submissions must include the following information about the nominee:

  • Name,
  • Institutional affiliation,
  • Email address of the nominee,
  • A curriculum vitae; and
  • A publication list.

For the nomination of a research group, submissions must include the following information about the group:

  • Name of research group,
  • Institutional affiliation,
  • Name, institutional affiliation, and email address of a contact person within the group; and
  • A publication list for the group.

All nomination submissions must also include:

  • Name, institutional affiliation, and email address of the person submitting the nomination; and
  • Name, title, institutional affiliation, and email address of at least two experts in a relevant field, should the scientific committee feel the need to consult with independent experts when evaluating the nominee(s).

Nomination deadline: 15 September 2017.

For more information about the Mohn Prize and to submit a nomination, go to:

For questions, contact organizers at:
Email: info [at]