
Call for Abstracts and Registration
5th International Symposium on Arctic Research

15-18 January 2018
Tokyo, Japan

Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2017

Early registration deadline: 15 November 2017

Registration deadline: 15 December 2017

For additional information, go to:

Organizers invite abstracts and registration for the Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-5) entitled "The Changing Arctic and its Regional to Global Impact: From Information to Knowledge and Action." This symposium will convene 15-18 January 2018 in Tokyo, Japan.

The ISAR-5 will focus on discussions on environmental changes in the Arctic and their regional and global implications and seeking additional international scientific collaboration in this area by gathering, synthesizing, and sharing information related to these changes occurring in the Arctic. Special emphasis will be placed on the fields of the social sciences and humanities.

The symposium will consist of general sessions and special sessions.

Special session topics are available on the ISAR-5 website, at:

The general sessions will address the following topics:

  • Atmosphere;
  • Ocean and sea ice;
  • Rivers, lakes, permafrost, and snow cover;
  • Ice sheets, glaciers, and ice cores;
  • Terrestrial ecosystems;
  • Marine ecosystems;
  • Geospace;
  • Policies and economy; and
  • Social and cultural dimensions.

Submission of abstracts is limited to one for oral presentations and two for poster presentations.

Space will also be available for side meetings. The rooms in the venue are reserved the first come, first served bases, and free of charge. Available time slots are listed on the ISAR-5 website, at:

If all rooms are full and not available, the ISAR-5 office will find additional space and introduce fee-based rental.

Participants interested in arranging a side meeting must contact the ISAR-5 office, at:
isar5-office [at]

The following information should be provided:

  • Contact person's name, affiliation, e-mail address;
  • Name of the meeting;
  • Name of the organizer and affiliation;
  • Planned date and time period;
  • Expect number of attendees; and
  • Other specific requirements.

Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2017

Early registration deadline: 15 November 2017

Registration deadline: 15 December 2017

On-site registration will be available throughout the symposium.

For the full call for abstracts and submission guidelines, go to:

To register for the symposium, go to:

For information on the general and special sessions, go to:

For questions, contact:
Yuji Kodama
Email: kodama.yuji [at]
Phone: +81-42-512-0922

ISAR-5 Secretariat
Email: isar5-office [at]