
Call for Session Proposals
UArctic Congress 2018
3-7 September 2018
Oulu and Helsinki, Finland

Session proposal submission deadline: 30 September 2017

For the complete call for proposals, go to:

For information about UArctic Congress 2018, go to:

For questions, contact:
Kirsi Latola
Email: kirsi.latola [at]
Phone: +358 40 027 40 56

Organizers invite session proposals for the UArctic Congress 2018 that will convene 3-7 September 2018 in Oulu and Helsinki, Finland.

The biennial UArctic Congress will couple key UArctic meetings and a science conference into one single event, including business meetings of the Council of UArctic, Rectors' Forum, Student Forum, and Thematic Networks and UArctic Institutes Leadership Team. With the goal of fostering contacts and enhancing networking, this Congress will include institutional leaders, Indigenous representatives, academics, scientists, and students from around the circumpolar north.

Organizers welcome proposals for sessions which can be comprised of different forms including dialogues and discussions. Any innovative or new ways of arranging sessions are welcomed. In general, sessions run for 90 minutes and can have several conveners, however one must be designated as the primary convener and will be the main contact person for that session.

The UArctic Congress will feature science and meeting sections, including:

  • Sessions aligned with the four priorities of Finland's chairmanship,
  • Acclaimed keynote speakers and scientific experts presenting their views and latest research,
  • Formal meetings for representatives of the Council of UArctic and UArctic Rectors' Forum,
  • Side-meetings and events,
  • A UArctic Student Forum with workshops, and
  • A cultural and social program.

Themes of the science sections include:

  • Environmental protection,
  • Connectivity,
  • Meteorological cooperation, and
  • Education.

The Congress is an integral part of Finland's Arctic Council chairmanship program, and open to the public. The event will highlight the themes and priorities of the Finnish chairmanship, including the goals of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Session proposal submission deadline: 30 September 2017

For the complete call for proposals and to access the online proposal submission page, go to:

For information about UArctic Congress 2018, go to:

For questions, contact:
Kirsi Latola
Email: kirsi.latola [at]
Phone: +358 40 027 40 56