
Two Calls for Session Abstracts
15-26 June 2018
Davos, Switzerland

Abstract submission deadline: 1 November 2017

For the complete Call for Abstracts and to submit an abstract, go to:

For more information about the meeting, go to:

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) are currently accepting abstract submissions for the POLAR2018 Conference, which will convene 15-26 June 2018 in Davos, Switzerland.

The theme of the POLAR2018 conference is Where the Poles Come Together and will include:

  • SCAR and IASC/Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) Business and Satellite Meetings (15-18 June 2018),
  • SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference (19-23 June 2018), and
  • SCAR Delegates Meeting and 2018 Arctic Observing Summit (24-26 June 2018).

Conveners of the following two sessions invite abstract submissions:

SESSION TE-1: Observing with Autonomous Vehicles in Polar Regions
Conveners: Gijs de Boer, Henry Burgess, Michel Rixen, Alice Bradley, Thomas Curtin, and David Scott

Reliability of Arctic and Antarctic forecasting tools have been shown to be of variable quality. This is in part due to a lack of understanding of physical processes involved, which results from a lack of observations in those regions. Autonomous systems operating at various scales provide unprecedented perspectives on the atmosphere, cryosphere, oceans, and biosphere. Their ability to bridge in situ station observations and satellite-based remote sensing helps inform questions related to spatial variability, vertical structure of atmosphere and ocean, and helps obtain information in otherwise difficult- or impossible-to-reach environments. Ultimately, this helps us to better understand and predict polar weather and climate.

Conveners invite contributions from various communities involved with conducting autonomous high latitude observations, including scientists, engineers, policy makers, and commercial interests.

Specific topics of interest include:

  • Scientific results from autonomous platforms;
  • Technological improvements and capabilities that aid operations in the harsh polar environment;
  • International collaborations, asset and data sharing, and regulatory solutions to accessing the Polar Regions;
  • Integration of platforms into polar observing systems; and
  • Outstanding opportunities for autonomous systems to address scientific questions.

Abstracts regarding unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), and other robotic platforms are welcome.

For more information about sessions, go to:

For questions, contact:
Gijs de Boer
Email: gijs.deboer [at]

SESSION OS-4: Sea Ice Modeling and Prediction
Conveners: Alexandra Jahn, Sandra Barreira, Dirk Notz, and Alvaro Santiago

Conveners solicit contributions on the past, present, and future evolution of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice based on model simulations, observations, or a combination of both. These include studies that make use of new data that have recently become available for sea ice research through the CMIP6 suite of model simulations, large ensemble simulations, and new observational data sets and algorithms. Conveners specifically invite contributions that examine the relationship of sea ice and iceberg model simulations and operational products such as ice charts.

In addition to the analysis of the evolution of sea ice over the 20th and 21st century, conveners invite submissions that provide an in-depth analysis of the relationship between individual models, individual observational data sets, and between models and observational data, including products from operational ice services. The time scales of these studies may range from a few days for direct navigational use to centuries for understanding long-term climate evolution. In addition, studies examining the role of internal variability for the comparison of sea ice simulations with observations and with other model simulations and for sea ice projections are also encouraged.

Regarding new observational records, conveners invite studies that use satellite data for ice detection and classification (ice class, thickness, drift, stage of development, etc.) and for manual and automated production of ice charts.

For more information about sessions, go to:

For questions, contact:
Sandra Barreira
Email: barreira [at]
Phone: 54-11-43172309