
Two Calls for Registration
ARCUS Arctic Research Seminar Series
Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS)

For more information and to register, go to:

For questions, contact:
Brit Myers
Email: brit [at]

The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) invites registration for two upcoming Arctic Research Seminar Series events. These seminars will be held in the ARCUS D.C. office located at 1201 New York Avenue NW, Washington D.C. (4th Floor).

The seminars will also be available as a webinar live-stream for those unable to attend in person.

Registration is required. Instructions for accessing the online webinar will be emailed to registrants prior to the event.

The ARCUS Arctic Research Seminar Series brings some of the leading Arctic researchers to Washington, D.C. to share the latest findings and what they mean for decision-making. These seminars will be of interest to federal agency officials, congressional staff, non-governmental organizations, associations, and the public.

ARCUS invites registration for the following two seminar presentations:

Presentation Title: Marine Research in the North Pacific: The changing landscape for fisheries, ecosystems, and science funding in Alaskan waters
Speaker: Betsy Baker, North Pacific Research Board (NPRB)
Date: Friday, 29 September 2017 at 12:00-1:00 p.m. EDT

Abstract: Betsy Baker, Executive Director of the North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) based in Anchorage, Alaska, will discuss current research supporting fisheries and integrated ecosystem information needs in the Arctic, Bering Sea, and Gulf of Alaska. Speaking from her current work directing a science funding non-profit, past experience as a professor of international, ocean, and environmental law, and her collaborations with scientists, federal agencies, and Arctic Council working groups and Permanent Participants, she will discuss emerging challenges and opportunities for the Arctic research community.

Presentation Title: Arctic Observations, Data and Society: Using Systems Science and Mediation to Enhance Information Flow for Sustainability
Speaker: Peter Pulsifer, National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
Date: Wednesday, 4 October 2017 at 12:00-1:00 p.m. EDT

Abstract: Recent environmental and social change has resulted in an increased focus on the Arctic region by governments and the general public. Much of this interest is generated in the context of the concept of sustainability and the global implications of a changing Arctic. Concurrently, there is a recognition by researchers, Arctic communities, and decision makers that Arctic observations and data are not readily available in a usable form to all who need them. This talk provides a review of Arctic data as a complex system of interrelated data resources, technology, funding, human and machine actors, and other components that can be seen as an "ecosystem." To improve the flow of information will require more than simply making data easier to discover and access in its raw form. New approaches to mediating or transforming data to meet the needs of different user communities are needed and increasingly possible. Enhancing the system will require a broad commitment to dialogue across different communities of practice and a recognition of the need to conceive of data and related technologies as infrastructure that can interoperate from local to global scales. The talk will conclude with a review of existing and emerging projects and programs focused on Arctic data.