
Two Calls for Session Abstracts
15-26 June 2018
Davos, Switzerland

Abstract submission deadline: Monday, 1 November 2017

For the complete Call for Abstracts and to submit an abstract, go to:

For more information about the meeting, go to:

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) are currently accepting abstract submissions for the POLAR2018 Conference, which will convene 15-26 June 2018 in Davos, Switzerland.

The theme of the POLAR2018 conference is Where the Poles Come Together and will include:

  • SCAR and IASC/ Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) Business and Satellite Meetings (15-18 June 2018),
  • SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference (19-23 June 2018), and
  • SCAR Delegates Meeting and 2018 Arctic Observing Summit (24-26 June 2018).

Conveners of the following two sessions invite abstract submissions:

SESSION OC-2: Polar research and citizen science: Exploring new platforms and opportunities
Conveners: Audrey Taylor, Amanda Lynnes, Frigg Jorgensen, and Janet Warburton

Citizen science (engaging volunteer participants in activities like community-based monitoring and field data collection) has proved to be an indispensable means of combining scientific research with education and public outreach. Citizen science can “push the envelope” of what scientists can achieve with limited funding, personnel, and access, provides a powerful tool for increasing scientific literacy and active citizenship, and is a mechanism for meeting specific conservation objectives. This session aims to bring together entities that have been or are currently engaged in citizen science programs in the Polar Regions, those who may have an idea for starting such a program, and those who represent possible groups of citizen science leaders or participants (e.g., educators, polar tour operators, directors of non-profit membership organizations). The session will start with short presentations about past and existing programs targeting polar citizen science, or that could be adapted to this theme. Afterwards, session leaders will convene breakout groups organized by program platform to share ideas, methods, challenges, and potential collaborations. Session leaders particularly wish to include participants representing community-based monitoring programs begun during IPY 2007-2008 and IAATO/AECO member tour operators who are currently involved with citizen science efforts, to foster a better understanding of the success and challenges these programs have experienced.

For more information about this session, go to:… (PDF 13.88 KB)

SESSION SH-6: Connecting polar research across boundaries
Conveners: Robert Rich, Yulia Zaika, James Drummond, Jean-Claude Gascard, Kirsi Latola, Michael Karcher, Rahul Mohan, Jeremy Wilkinson, Brit Myers, and Kamil Jagodzinski

Polar research spans numerous disciplinary, institutional, national, and sector boundaries. Working effectively across these many boundaries requires effective communication, coordination, and collaboration. This interactive session will explore examples of what is being done, and what more could be done, to bridge boundaries in order to advance polar research, support human activities in a sustainable way while respecting local and traditional culture and livelihoods, and inform sound decision-making.

The following topics are expected to be covered:

  • Stakeholder collaborations (including among science, society, public, funding agencies, and Indigenous people);
  • Organizational collaborations, including international infrastructural collaborations Bridging Arctic and Antarctic Polar science, technology and engineering Bridging between STEM with social sciences; and
  • Other boundaries which can be bridged to advance inquiry, discovery, and the application of knowledge to support human activities and sound decision-making.

For more information about this session, go to:… (PDF 60.16 KB)