
Resource Available
Research Cruise Planning Information
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System

To access the cruise planning information, go to:

The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) announce the release of their Cruise Planning webpage. This webpage is available through the UNOLS website.

Information provided on the website covers what organizers need to know to plan a successful cruise, from the proposal writing phase through post-cruise documentation. The website provides links to information outlining the key aspects of pre-cruise planning, including basic timelines, available community resources, permits, packing and shipping, and more. This is general information and should be used in conjunction with vessel operator's policies and procedures. Any vessel-specific questions should go directly to the operator's cruise planning personnel.

The webpage includes a cruise planning timeline and important information regarding:

  • Vessel-specific cruise planning websites;
  • Working in foreign ports and obtaining Marine Science Research Clearances;
  • Available equipment and services; and
  • Conducting radioisotopes, natural isotopes, and stable isotopes work.

To access the cruise planning information, go to: