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Ice Bits Newsletter: Spring 2018
U.S. Ice Drilling Program

To view or download the current newsletter, go to:

The U.S. Ice Drilling Program Office (IDPO) announces the release of the Spring 2018 edition of their Ice Bits newsletter. The Ice Bits newsletter is the quarterly update of the U.S. IDPO and Ice Drilling Design and Operations (IDDO) group activities.

Topics highlighted in this edition include:

  • Rapid Air Movement Drill Upgrades in Full Swing at IDDO,
  • Field Support to 2018 Arctic Projects,
  • 2018 Technical Advisory Board Meeting,
  • IDPO Education and Public Outreach Workshops at the National Science Teachers Association Conference, and
  • Equipment Updates, including:
    • Foro 3000 Drill,
    • Foro Drill,
    • Rapid Air Movement Drill,
    • Thermal Drill,
    • Intermediate Depth Drill,
    • Winkie Drill,
    • Blue Ice Drill, and
    • Foro 700 Drill.

To view or download the current newsletter, go to: