
Funding Opportunities Available
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Climate Program Office

Deadline for Letters of Intent for Climate Program Office FY2020 opportunities: 23 August 2019
Deadline for Letters of Intent for Climate Observations and Monitoring opportunities: 23 August 2019

For more information about the Climate Program Office FY2020 opportunities, go to:…

For more information about the Climate Observations and Monitoring opportunities, go to:…

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) invites letters of intent for funding opportunities. These opportunities are offered through NOAA’s Climate Program Office (CPO).

The first opportunity invites letters of intent for Climate Program Office Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) funding. This opportunity includes 10 competitions with approximately 90 anticipated awards.

CPO supports competitive research through three major program areas: Earth System Science and Modeling (ESSM); Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI); and Communication, Education and Engagement (CEE). Through this announcement, CPO is seeking applications for 10 individual competitions in FY20. Prior to submitting applications, investigators are highly encouraged to learn more about CPO and its programs, as well as specific program priorities for FY20. In addition, interactions, partnerships, or collaborations with NOAA Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes are encouraged.

Competitions included in this funding opportunity include:

  • Urban atmosphere in a changing climate: chemistry, carbon, and composition;
  • Climate and changing ocean conditions: Process research and modeling to support the needs of NOAA Fisheries;
  • Characterizing and anticipating U.S. drought’s complex interactions;
  • Modeling climate impacts on the predictability of fisheries and other living marine resources;
  • Constraining models’ climate sensitivity;
  • Developing terrestrial-, marine-, and ice-atmosphere boundary layer data sets through collaborations between observations and modeling communities;
  • Explaining climate extreme events: Developing a rapid assessment capability and understanding the causes and mechanisms of extreme events;
  • Fisheries and climate programs: Understanding climate impacts on fish stocks and fisheries to inform sustainable fisheries management;
  • Coping with drought; and
  • Evolving the climate resilience ecosystem of adaptation service providers.

Deadline for Letters of Intent for Climate Program Office FY2020 opportunities: 23 August 2019

For more information about this opportunity, including competition details and how to submit a letter of interest, go to:…

The second funding opportunity invites letters of intent for funding through the NOAA CPO Climate Observations and Monitoring (COM) program. The COM program supports continuing, focused activities at universities, private research companies, and government laboratories to leverage NOAA's large volume of observational platforms (instrumental - in situ/remote, proxy records). Projects develop long time-series and higher level data products of essential climate variables (ocean, terrestrial, and atmosphere) needed to understand the climate system on time scales ranging from days to a century, and longer.

Approaches encouraged by COM that cut across the Areas of Focus include the exploration and analysis of climate data sets to address uncertainties that result from factors such as physical and/or instrumental discrepancies; the development of innovative solutions to address inadequate spatial or temporal resolution and coverage, or biases in existing data sets; and the development of key indicators and diagnostics to monitor and detect changes in the earth system relative to climate variability.

Areas of Focus include:

  • Providing information for assessments and monitoring,
  • Identifying and characterizing climate risks to society,
  • Advancing climate prediction capacity through improved ocean-atmosphere understanding, and
  • Stewarding data from research to operations.

Deadline for Letters of Intent for Climate Observations and Monitoring opportunities: 23 August 2019

For more information, including descriptions of the focus areas, go to:…